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Arthur Orton

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Everything posted by Arthur Orton

  1. Sturgeon, Johnson and chief medical officers should be added to that list.
  2. What is wrong with some Rangers fans, they are absolute weirdos. Win a Scottish Cup semi against your rivals, any normal set of supporters would be delighted and having a celebration. Not them though, some of them are absolutely raging and three banned from here for trying to point score over the horror of child abuse. Honestly what the hell is wrong with them. Bloody morons.
  3. Shit like this will not be tolerated on this website. A permanent ban for you and any future alias you come up with. Disgusting.
  4. Same logic applies to hanging on to the law so much longer than England did Extreme stubborness and a refusal to change stance is a massive weakness in any individual, never mind a "leader". Hubris and gross stupidity. When surrounded by sycophants it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture.
  5. Politician in being out of touch shocker. If she's so convinced folk will wear masks when not forced to do so why didn't she have one on when in England. Still waiting on that adult conversation now I think about it.
  6. Oh yeah another Hertz win. I've reached the age where things from years ago are easier to recall. And I'm going for an eye op in two hours time so I'm not firing on all cylinders.
  7. It would be if it was true but this the third Hampden meeting in recent memory 2006 hearts 4 nil win 2012 hearts 5 1 win 2020 hearts 2 1 win cheers Mark
  8. If it numbs the pain of the pumping you're about to receive then aye.
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