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Arthur Orton

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Everything posted by Arthur Orton

  1. The damage done to people's mental health over the last two years should not be underestimated for all age groups. Old people terrified to go out, clubs cancelled. People of all ages isolated and not seeing anyone. Entire support networks crushed. No opportunity to mix. Leisure facilties shut, hospitality sector shut. Sports stopped. Uni students missing out on some of the best days of their young life's. Schoolkids missing trips, memories, developing social norms. The effect has been massive and made much worse by the b*****ds in the media who perpetuated fear, a government who when it suited ignored the science to the detriment of their population and of course the fact that mental health provisions in this country are not fit for purpose. Not surprising the lack of willingness to acknowledge the effect on mental health when you have a senior government adviser (yes you Devi) telling folk tough shit and to get on with it. It's truly shameful the long standing damage that has been done to people.
  2. Thank goodness for the masks and passports. We'd be absolutely screwed without them in place.
  3. Terrible news, so young. Condolences to the family and friends of Iain and to all at Bo'ness United from Linlithgow Rose. Rip.
  4. I like Hussain, he is always honest and has a lot of good ideas. Doesn't get the credit he deserves for the changes to the mentality of English cricket that defined his captaincy. England could do worse than have him in charge.
  5. There was also the woeful match thread that saw Dungpee Ushited v Fart of Pidlothian.
  6. I agree but to have one part of the triumvirate still in situ does not sit right. Root is a fantastic cricketer but has repeatedly shown poor leadership. He should go now.
  7. Sunak is a rabid Thatcherite. Nothing more needs said.
  8. Captain should fall on his wicket now.
  9. Should do. I just wish Andy Murray was ten years younger. He'd clean up.
  10. Good, cannot stand him and his uncle Tony. Will never forget his dreadful fake faint under the table at us open press conference. Also he is from Mallorca but supports Real Madrid. Dick.
  11. Just for the avoidance of doubt none of the posters you're accusing of being an alias of each other are.
  12. Correct, they're idiots. Target golf is incredibly boring. You want to see players challenged and show their skills, not cruise round a course.
  13. New series of Michael Portillo train journeys tomorrow. Dunbar to Peterheid.
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