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Everything posted by youngsy

  1. And the scheme was open to Celtic and every other club in the UK. Arsenal used them and iirc Juninho was the benficiary of one whist at Celtic, willing to be corrected on that though.
  2. Only two thing that bothers me about all of this is Whytes fraudulent dealings and i say that as one of the many who welcomed him at first and the fact that many since him have came in and pulled the club apart.
  3. I'm too old to have a hatred of a football club. Rivalry, yes, hatred, no. This EBT scheme was open to every employer, in the sports industry and any other industry, if employers implemented them and they were legal then i have no problem, no matter who benefited from the scheme.
  4. If the scheme was found to be legal, then personally i would have no problem.
  5. Very good but no matter how you and others try to spin this both tiers found for the PLC, that is irrefutable. As for stating 'another criminal act' i assume your speaking of Whyte. However as this EBT case was found to be legal, it can't be looked on as criminal, except by those who are unable to get over their own bitterness.
  6. But the fact of the matter here is one that the EBT case has been found in favour of the PLC at both tiers of the judicial process and to keep arguing against the judgement smacks of bitterness on your part and indeed on many others. Also as Jacksgranda has stated, people in all levels of society look to retain as much of their earned cash as possible, if that means going down the route of using a scheme that reduces the amount of tax being paid then such schemes will be utilised, that's the way of human nature and this outrage of yours will not change such a thing. Now answer this; as HMRC have had judgement on this case go against them twice, do you, as this great moralist where tax issues are concerned, believe that HMRC should pursue this case for a third time, an action which would cost the taxpayer more significant expense, you can give this as yes or no or a full statement, floors all yours.
  7. Ah but you see, whilst you can argue this all you like, the reality is that the law takes precedent over opinion, so the result on both FTT and UTT is what it is. That's the rules.
  8. Youngsyesque, i like that, very good. Although i have to say in law you do not have terminology known as ' Barely Legal', it's either legal or illegal and in this case it was found as legal, no matter how many want to argue differently.
  9. Maybe i was being a tad harsh on him, however maybe not, let me put it this way, i wish Whyte nothing but the worst in life, whatever that brings, hope that sits better with you, if not i can live with it. Or i'll put it another way, Whytes actions impacted on many peoples lives in a very negative way, so much so that the anger in many brings out such rash comments, however i won't apologise about them where Whyte is concerned.
  10. Has his crime cost many people a lot of money, yes it has. Do i give a flying about his health, no i don't.
  11. Really, whilst i wouldn't wish such a disease on most people, that's the outlook i hold against this man, whether you accept that or not is immaterial to me. Whyte has done a lot of damage to many thousands of people with his fraudulent dealing, personally i wish him nothing but the worst in his life, too bad if that doesn't sit well with you.
  12. Uh-huh, and here's hoping that his guilt is proven sooner rather than later and he gets a very substantial jail sentence,.
  13. Why would i be broken? Angry perhaps but certainly not broken, this is a football club we are referring to, nothing else.
  14. Whyte committed the crime of fraud on a very large scale, that is the current issue at the moment, don't try and deflect what this is about. We are all aware as regards Murray but this isn't about him, it's about Whyte, Withey and the, as yet unconfirmed, news that Collyer Bristow have settled to the sum of £24 million because of Whytes dealings. That is the issue here, the fact that his actions have resulted in thousands of people being the victims of large scale fraud. No need to go over old ground that has been covered many times before.
  15. Where did i state Whyte duped Murray? I'm commenting on Wednesdays events re; the UTT and the news, unconfirmed i believe, that Collyer Bristow have to pay £24 million, all this about Murray has been done, let's just go with the present. As i said hopefully Whyte is charged with fraud and gets a substantial jail term. Not too much to ask for is it.
  16. Perhaps that's because i, like thousands of others, lost a fair amount of money through his fraudulent dealings. Hence the reason i hope to see him jailed and contracting cancer, in that order. Harsh maybe but there you go. As for your second sentence, don't you get a bit fed up and bored spouting that because tbh i do find it rather boring and repetitive.
  17. Fair enough on that but please spare me this " i was right" nonsense. Many of us were taken in by him, as i said no problem in stating that. However i also have no problem in stating that he was fully responsible for the liquidation and that has been my stance since administration came in.
  18. Well done son Ii was waiting on that from you. Like many Rangers fans when he first came in i welcomed him, no problem in stating that. Now why don't you be consistent and dig out my posts re; Whyte at the time of administration leading up to and after the liquidation, think you'll find my opinion was somewhat different. As far as i'm concerned and i've stated it many times, Whyte is responsible for the liquidation and of committing fraud and tbh i'll state it again, i hope the b*****d contracts cancer, preferably when he's sitting in a prison cell. Btw, bit sad of you going back to 2011 to try and prove a stupid point but you carry on son.
  19. Been there, done that, not really interested in going over old ground. I'm more interested in todays news as regards the UTT appeal being kicked out and the unconfirmed report that Collyer Bristow have to pay out £24 million to The Rangers Football Club PLC for what could well be a massive fraud. Hope that clarifies, too bad if it doesn't.
  20. No hindsight from me as regards who was responsible for the liquidation. As far as i've been concerned Whyte was always the man responsible for it and while i stated that i also stated how much of a fraudster he is.
  21. Aye very good. Another one who can't or won't accept the truth of the matter regarding Craig Whyte. He has defrauded many people, hopefully he gets a long jail sentence because of it.
  22. In other words both the FTT and UTT tribunals found for The Rangers Football Club PLC. Thank you, enjoy the game tonight.
  23. Oh ffs, behave yourself, the appeal overall was thrown out. A ruling either way on any other point won't change that.
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