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Posts posted by Newbornbairn

  1. Unless your cycling abroad !! :P

    Don't they have to use proper road rules when in the presence of a Brit? I'm sure they do unsure.gif

    Anyway - just back from Edinburgh Bike Co-Op and I'm a wee bit poorer having just ordered this beauty -


    Specialised Tricross 2012 biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

    When I started cycling last year, I got a Tescos mountain bike from my son and hit the road - and these threads. Before long I had a hankering for a proper bike and ended up buying UTN's Secteur, which has been pretty good I have to say. However, cycling on the main roads can be stressful - some drivers are morons and I've had a few close shaves. The law of averages says I'll come a cropper at some point. The other thing is a road bike is about speed - light as f**k, skinny low resistance tyres and high gearing. That's fine as far as it goes and I tip my hat to those who post some incredible times here but I'm not a speed merchant, more a steady plodder. I also miss being ablo to hit the forest trails and farmtracks that I did on the mountain bike. 35 mph downhill on a roadbike is exhilarating, but so is 25mph down the side of a hill with your legs going through the long grass and trying to avoid nettles. biggrin.gif

    Road bikes are fast, but flimsy. Mountain bikes are rugged but painfully slow on the road so I've opted for the Tricross, which I'm hoping will be the best of both worlds. I've done a fair bit of reading about them and most of it is positive. Playing with it this morning and comparing it to the Revolutions, I was convinced it's a good bike. Add in that it's reduced by £200 in their sale and .... I collect it on the 4th, ready for the PFS (Challenge Route) on the 9th.


  2. See while you boys are on the topic of cycling on a road, are there any websites or anything that give beginners advice or is it just a case of going out and learning as you go?

    I've aquired a bike to see how I get on before I spend good money on it but I'm a little apprehensive about cycling on the road as a non driver.

    Best advice I got on here is if you're doing circular routes, go anti-clockwise as this makes things easier at junctions and roundabouts.

  3. I get bored of running and hitting the gym, so I decided to splash a few quid on a mountain bike. Plumped for this one. Aye it was cheap, but it is a pretty good bike as far as I can tell, does everything I need. I took it out for the first time this morning and covered about 22 miles to get used to it (and because I was blowing about my arse after about 10ph34r.gif). The objective now is to up the fitness, leg strength and the miles I cover every Sunday. I felt decent when I got done, stepped off the bike and was walking like pished tramp. My legs were like rubber......still enjoyed it mind you.

    Och just you wait, you'll be looking at road bikes before you know it biggrin.gif

    By ra way, have we all signed up for the Pedal for Scotland event again?

  4. Had a look at my bike and it is completely fucked. In general. So i am just going to get a new one.

    Can anyone recommend a decent bike. It'll be used on roads, pavements and dirtpaths, red ash etc.


    You could do worse than look at a cyclocross. That's what I'm seriously considering at the moment.

  5. I'm not devoted to my opinions kiddo. If I were, I might have chosen to follow a team that suitably represented those views: as Kincardine claims to do with his cheerleading for Protestant Williamite Unionism. Last I checked, Greenock Morton have no dog in that utterly irrelevant, outdated fight.

    I don't find the second part to be an even remotely acceptable definition of the word: it seems your cursory grab for Wiktionary has misled and failed you. As it happens, I am in the position to throw stones: Sevco fans are bigots. I know Sevco fans are bigots because they have wilfully associated with an institution steeped in bigotry since its creation. In addition, their fanbase revels in and actively promotes a sectarian agenda whenever they congregate. Sevco fans who plead innocent are much like Ku Klux Klan members claiming they're not racist... honest guv'... I was just into the secret meetings and the white hood...

    You're not fooling anyone here, and neither is Kincardine with his litany of mewling deflections and hilarious 300-year-old agenda.

    Well said.

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