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Everything posted by Newbornbairn

  1. Wow - Health & Safety would ban that here in an instant
  2. It's not really a handlebar bag, it's about the size of a mobile phone Not big enough to get a flask & sandwiches in, sorry.
  3. Aye, there was some pretty dodgy riding right enough - surprisingly from the ones on carbon fibre bikes & wearing skintight racing colours (like SKY). These guys would barge past groups stopped at lights to get to the front, barely pause to see if anything was coming and cross anyway. Or the ones that took the wrong lane entirely to jump the lights leading onto Alexandria Parade. It's people like them that give cyclists a bad name and cause road rage. Just an aside but I tend to find the ones wearing "all the gear" aren't the ones who give you a nod & a smile when you pass them on the road.
  4. Can I just say, you're not exactly selling this to us UtN, I'll call the shop up tomorrow and see what they say.
  5. Yeah, 15 minutes to go 2km to Alexandra Parade Going through Murrayfield was brilliant - I wasn't expecting that and it fair put a smile on my face.
  6. Just back - 3hrs 25m! Yaaaaaay. I said I'd be happy with anything under 3 1/2 hours so I'm chuffed to bits. It was really slow getting out of Glasgow because of the number of bikes, but after the first stopping point it got quieter. On the downside, it looks as though the bearings on the bottom bracket are shot. Is this kind of thing covered by warranty?
  7. Getting a bit nervous now. Dunno why, every time I do the 2 bridges I do over 50 miles. I think it's the thought of going through Airdrie.
  8. I hope this doesn't get here early http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-14851926 Hurricane Katia off the east coast of the US could cause stormy weather to hit Scotland on Monday, according to forecasters in Miami.
  9. Kiddy's a waste of skin. Ignore the p***k and keep up the good work.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/scotland/14818138.stm Good thing, bad thing?
  11. I registered in August, yet I'm number 436. Maybe they're numbering them in reverse order?
  12. I got my pack today - yay! I took up the cycling this year because I was spending £40 a month on gym membership, then not being able to workout properly cos the gym was always packed. I stopped smoking 2 years ago and piled on the weight so I want to lose the belly. Unfortunately, I can't seem to give up the pies and fish suppers so, although cardio-wise I'm fit, I'm really just exercising to stop myself getting fatter. It's been good working out mph and the like just to see that I'm not a total diddy, but I agree that all the different factors mean it's hard to get consistent results. On top of which, if I push myself too hard my knees give me too much pain for days afterwards. If I do the challenge ride in 3 to 3 1/2 hours I'll be happy.
  13. Getting a bit concerned at the lack of news from the pfs people. I paid on the 9th Aug and got an e-mailed receipt saying an information pack would be sent out but I've received nothing. I emailed them a week ago, no reply and I've e-mailed them again this morning. Is anyone else having problems? Oh - 44, 6'2", about 15 st.
  14. I put those self-sealing tubes on my mountain bike after a series of punctures which seemed to do the trick. Mind you, I did put new tyres on as well.
  15. Och come on the Pedal for Scotland run. If this unfit old man can do it ...
  16. I near got knocked down by a woman at a roundabout in Grangemouth, So close I felt the heat from the engine grille on my leg.
  17. I'm sure it would be handy but I'd be tempted to bolt a bit of angle-iron to the wall with clamps attached. Mind you, I'm a cheap b'stard Just back from doing the two bridges and I have a message for Brad Pitt (I've heard he's an avid P&B reader). Brad you f'cker, I hope the zombies catch you and eat you! They closed part of my route and with me not being a local I ended up going all over the place, including Linlithgow. In the process I came across hills like the side of skyscrapers with the result that I was pretty much f'cked by the time I got to the Forth Bridge. Then that long, long climb between Crombie & Devila damn near killed me. So ten minutes added to last week's time Is it better to go via Culross or stick to the main road?
  18. UtN is going to need something to "spur" him on I think.
  19. The thing about big pockets on jerseys and the like is I'm seriously trying to avoid becoming a MAMIL - a middle aged man in lycra. Some of the more lurid examples I see on the road are fine for teenagers but look a bit daft on grown ups.
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