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Everything posted by Newbornbairn

  1. Fair enough - took it from this https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-68655579
  2. Isn't that what some MP is suing about? He apparently made a quip about Trans folk, a complaint was made and the Police investigated. They decided it didn't breach the criminal threshold but they recorded the incident. Later, the police referred to it with a number - effectively, the guy was now on a list. The police have also said they will investigate every complaint and presumably record the results. No idea what is being done with this list but as it's a public record, I presume other agencies will be able to access it.
  3. Just watched the game again. Mackie playing keepie-uppie in midfield Col with a magnificent trap then later, a cheeky back heel. The outrageous dummy from Alfie that sent two Montrose defenders clean out the park
  4. That was fucking mental! What a night. What a team. What a bunch of fans!
  5. Nah, I think they're probably safe now.
  6. For once in your miserable Tory country bumpkin lives, do the right thing and at least shit-fest a draw
  7. Quite a sing-song on the train just now. Choo-choo motherfucker
  8. Was literally the first thing I thought about when I opened my eyes this morning.
  9. Actually, Doddie Weir is a good shout. Notsomuch for his playing career but for his legacy.
  10. I thought Jesus got off with a minger in a stable?
  11. I noticed they were checking carry on baggage sizes at Edinburgh and I've just been reading some Swissair people saying there's been a crackdown by Easyjet and Ryanair. Apparently not enough money has been getting raised from hold luggage so they're pressurising the Swissair agents to catch more over-sized luggage at the boarding gates. They've been putting "Mystery Shoppers" through the lines to catch staff out who are then disciplined.
  12. Hurry up and get to the interviews
  13. I thought Raj was a bit thick to be honest. When Flo said about the line up needing to be diverse, you could see the wheels moving as she worked out "women.....Asian.... it is diverse!"
  14. More scary bridge stuff https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-68690454
  15. Did she just say you could have adult fun in an inflatable paddling pool?
  16. Bloody hell. Even Tebay services are only £5 for a roll on sausage!
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