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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. I've been there a few times and there's always fighting. There was fighting in the crowd, there was fighting outside. Some guys in the kebab shop afterwards were saying that I was throwing punches at the band
  2. Go into some agencies and ask about temporary work for the summer - they'll get you a job gardening or labouring no bother.
  3. You've got a whole three months to do it mate! Do it the night before! Welcome to my world!
  4. They're a pretty good band, their song I Won't Tell Anybody could be a Top Ten single if it was to be released. My band's playing with them on August the 4th at Pennies in Falkirk and again at The Barfly on the 22nd of September. I expect you to be there!
  5. Westaff in Falkirk, just next to Kings. I'll be doing data input and chasing up references and stuff. Seems pretty tedious, but 9-5, Monday to Friday, central location, can't complain!

  6. See in Pizza Hut, see if I went in with two mates, and ordered the buffet for myself and they didn't order anything, but I went up to the buffet and got tonnes of slices and they started tucking in, could we get away with it?
  7. Absolutely! I wrote an essay for my Modernism course about six weeks ago on Play and Endgame and got an A for it. Play is probably one of the scariest things I've ever read (there's a performance that you can see of it on YouTube with Alan Rickman as M). You could just imagine that the whole play could just go on and on and on without ceasing.
  8. Not too sure if plays count, but I've recently read Macbeth by William Shakespeare for an essay I've got to get done. A fascinating exercise in evil. His wife's a cad. I also purchased The Complete Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett, and some of the stuff in there is absolutely incredible. I've been thumbing through it and both "Play" and "Krapp's Last Tape" caught my attention, particularly the latter. It actually encouraged me to look through my old diaries, and, just like Krapp, I can't believe the "stupid b*****d I took myself for" a couple of years ago.
  9. I've actually started reading USA by John Dos Passos. I don't think he's a very well-known author, but he wrote Manhattan Transfer, which is one of the greatest books I've ever read. Its kind of like Joyce's Ulysses, except it takes place in NYC over a number of years. USA is absolutely mammoth (1000+ pages), but what I've read so far, it seems pretty good too. After that, its Against The Day by Thomas Pynchon. The joys! Regarding Steinbeck, the next one from him will probably be Of Mice and Men. That's probably his most famous work, so its probably the best place to go. Only problem is, I've seen the film and know how it ends
  10. Absolutely. I've read that book about thirty times and it still gets better and better. I can actually quite the final paragraph. The last few pages when Nick Carraway lies out on the beach in front of Gatsby's mansion is the best piece of writing I have ever read. The last book I read was "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck. Perhaps the most depressing novel I've ever read, but like Gatsby, there's parts of it that read this pure poetry. Absolutely different class, and the biblical imagery at the end is a masterstroke. 9/10.
  11. A History of Violence - 6/10 Sexy Beast - 9/10 Watched the both this afternoon. A History of Violence was alright, a bit overrated though. Some cracking sex scenes in it though! Sexy Beast was awesome. Ben Kingsley as Don Logan is the best perfromance I've ever seen.
  12. The Cribs - Men's Needs Didn't have much time for this band before, but this song is excellent. Sounds like something off Room On Fire by The Strokes.
  13. Sunday was mental. Went to Kushion after you left and the whole Celtic team were there. They seemed unimpressed with me and the Caleyking.

  14. More good choosing - we're recording on Sunday, so you can get three new songs doon ye.
  15. Sir, what a superb song! The 25,000 post on this thread too, and a fine track to mark that feat.
  16. Billy - I remember there was a thread going about a year or so ago about him, it was fucking hilarious. Monster and ICTChris had some superb tales about their colleagues.
  17. Grandma, I'm A Mutation - Beef and the Bear Can't wait for album #4!
  18. Ferris Bueller's Day Off? That's one of the greatest films ever made - FACT.
  19. They used to mix You Made Me Realise with ten minutes of pure white noise when they played it live. I would loved to have seen them live! OOFT!
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