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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. Dreadful episode on Monday. It started off badly with Cool Dad Chris and Roman Reigns smirking their way through the opening 20 minutes and got worse from there. Fights we've seen a hundred times before, guys like Kalisto getting buried just a week after making a huge statement, Tyler Breeze doing absolutely nothing, and the Wyatts looking strong again (before being buried on Sunday, no doubt). I'm intrigued to see where they take these factions (even although some of them seem very arbitrary) but this was hardly the most exciting build to the Rumble.
  2. Grant Mitchell is one of the most watchable characters in British TV history but I'm a little worried about how they handle his return - his comeback in 2005 (I think) was pretty muted and the only thing of note I remember was his affair with Jane Beale. He might have also been involved with the risible Moon brothers (remember them?!) Anyway. More Mitchells, less nonsense with Kat Slater and Alfie Moon. They've been involved in some nonsense over the last year or so.
  3. Steve McFadden's performance last night was genuinely one of the best I've ever seen in a soap opera. An absolute tour de force from start to finish (even if the ending, with his collapse in the school hall, was a little too neat for me). We all love seeing a shambling Phil Mitchell but this took into a different dimension - tonight had empathy and pathos in abundance. It might be a crude comparison but McFadden's Mitchell reminds me a lot of James Gandolfini's Tony Soprano. By the end of The Sopranos, Gandolfini was so masterful in his role that all he needed to do was make a facial expression to convey a gamut of emotions, and McFadden's the same (although I can't imagine Hollywood knocking on his door just yet). He has a way of saying so much with one frown. The finest moment of last night's show was his reunion with Peggy. It was wonderful - Phil slavering his heart out while his mother sat in anguish. Barbara Windsor deserves enormous praise for the way she handled that scene - she had one line at the end, brilliantly delivered, but every time she closed her eyes or looked away or cleared the lump in her through, it was excellent. A real lesson in "less is more" from a character who was never the master of restraint. I would have preferred the episode to finish with Lou rejecting Phil's advances outright and leaving him to shuffle back to his car but I can understand the need to push forward his illness storyline. It's been a couple of weeks since he was diagnosed and I supposed it was only a matter of time before it needed advancing on. Regardless, the scene between Phil and Lou was excellent - a drunken shambles of a father, doing his best to see through the fog and reconnect with his "last chance", and his teenage daughter, confused, mortified and frustrated. McFadden is surely in the running for a best actor award at whatever ceremony because he's been outstanding since his return to fold. Phil is always watchable when he's on the drink (or even better, when he's on crack) but this took it to another level and brought his character onto a plain I don't think I've seen before.
  4. I've only been watching it for two years so I've no idea what he was like to begin with, but he's shocking. I can't stand him or his big shit-eating grin.
  5. Big Rab's been linked with Stenny - CLICK. He's a bit creaky these days but he'd be a big improvement on Jamie Barclay.
  6. Seconded, that Royal Rumble match was incredible. Seth Rollins was out of this world that night.
  7. Finished watching Monday's show last night and Chris Jericho is a fucking dickhead. Is supposed to be a face? Because he came across as an idiot, smashing up Francesca the Trombone like that. Imagine thinking it was a good idea to let Cool Dad Chris cut the balls off one of the few genuinely refreshing and entertaining aspects of the show.
  8. I've only read the results (and I'll see the show this evening) but it sounded like a bit of a shambles. Are there any faces in the women's division any more?
  9. JBL's really bad at his job. He just sits there yelling PRIZE FIGHTER.
  10. Jordan and Gable are now going under the name "American Alphas". Not sure about that.
  11. I don't want to see Mick get involved with Whitney (as tempting as it might be). In a show where almost everyone conducts illicit affairs, it would be nice to see a couple maintain their relationship throughout. Dyer brings a lot of tenderness to the role and I think it's important not to lose that. I'm looking forward to the return of Main Event Max. Jake Wood is the best actor on the show, no doubt about it. Tremendous character.
  12. He's played three times for St Johnstone and he's most famous for falling over and costing his team a goal in their 4-3 defeat to Hearts at the beginning of the season. He also made a comment about Juanma's diving and was accused of being a racist.
  13. Not that it really means much but McKay was rotten on loan at Stenhousemuir in 2012. I was very surprised he went on to play a bit for Hearts and get a move to St Johnstone.
  14. Kyle is a dreadful actor, isn't he. The producers deserve a lot of credit for introducing a transgender actor to the show but my goodness, he's rotten. The way he reacted to Stacey's breakdown completely sucked me out of it - a concerned, hang-dog expression isn't how I'd react to being called "the devil". And his conversations with his best friend (I'm not sure if she's even been introduced yet) are crap too, there's nothing there to suggest there's a relationship there. The girl that plays Shabnam is a good actor (as mentioned above, she's got great chemistry with Kush and the pair handled the stillborn episode very well) but she can be grating. That said, I wonder how I'd react if I was in the same situation. Claudette is shocking. She's had some heel turn in recent weeks. She seemed a genial sort and was good during the breakdown of Les and Pam's relationship but she's been rotten over the Christmas period. I couldn't buy into her motivations or her anger towards Vincent. Danny Dyer was class over the last month, and there's a real tenderness to his performance as Mick. I remember watching him when he first joined the show and there was an awkward moment where his son came out to him - Dyer was asked to portray emotions he was incapable of - but he's really grown into it. The whole angle with Shirley really brought the best out of him.
  15. He came across like a total dick on Monday. Calling the New Day "Green Day" was a shocker and the "Rooty-Tooty Booty" chant was dire too (although Big E's reaction was absolutely sensational).
  16. It's a real shame EastEnders has failed to build on its thrilling run over the festive season; the post-New Year episodes have been rotten and increasingly convoluted. The reappearance of Kat Slater and her tar-black misery is hugely unwelcome - of all the main eventers in recent years, she's probably the one I've liked the least. She screeches rather than talks and her chemistry with Alfie, arguably her most important attribute, has waned. I don't care about her, her children, or her family. Stacey Slater's ongoing issues are a bit diverting but when you've been getting used to Big Match Phil and Ian Beale going at it and Danny Dyer giving a career-defining performance as Mick, the whole thing seems pretty underwhelming. I suppose there's something to look forward to in the coming weeks (Phil's cirrhosis; Bobby Beale) but it's hard going at the moment.
  17. Hi Fraser, I'm fine, thanks. I'm over the worst of it. Tom Walsh. He was signed by Scott Booth a couple of weeks into the 2014-15 season and the manager was cock-a-hoop about bringing him into the club, declaring him one of the best young players in Scotland and telling everyone how lucky we were to have him. It certainly didn't seem that way to begin with - Walsh was injured when he first arrived (he was absent with the Scotland youth squad too) and so it took him a few weeks before he made his debut. He didn't make the most auspicious of starts and while he looked alright on the ball, he didn't necessarily have the physicality to cope with the division's bigger lads (the same could be said for all of Booth's signings, right enough). For want of a better comparison, he looked a bit like Mesut Özil in his first few months at Arsenal, and he seemed to be a bit of a luxury in a team that couldn't afford to carry one. It seemed like another of Booth's hollow proclamations. When he did get up to speed, however, he was pretty class and really began to look the part, and he turned in a man-of-the-match performance against Stranraer on Boxing Day. Stenny won 2-0 to end the Blues' 13-match unbeaten run and Walsh scored one and set up the other. Just as he came onto a game with the Warriors, he decided to return to Rangers to make his name there. I thought it was a bit of a daft move but he did really well at Ibrox and was probably the sole highlight of the latter part of their season. In conclusion: his four months at Stenhousemuir were pretty indifferent but there's no reason as to why he can't make an impact at Dumbarton. Walsh looked good in a horrible Rangers team and showed he's capable of carrying the ball forward and hitting that "killer" pass. He's a central midfielder, but he'll do all his best work in the latter half of the pitch. I don't remember his being particularly defensively minded and he'll probably need someone in alongside him to do his heavy lifting for him. I don't know if he's any bigger but he always looked a little slight and he could do well to bulk up, but the talent's there. He's probably not what Rangers are looking for - other than Barrie McKay, all of the young boys who featured on "the journey" are being punted here and there - but I reckon he'll make a decent full-time career for himself.
  18. Can Roman Reigns overcome the odds? Tune in to find out!
  19. I can't sleep so I'm watching Raw live for the first time. Adrian Neville's doing a great job of selling his taped-up ribs so far.
  20. I've read that piece twice and I'm not sure what point he's trying to make.
  21. Actually there's a sixth, Rusev's entrance at Wrestlemania was absolutely splendid.
  22. I reckon the truly great moments of the year (main roster only, as I said above) were: Triple-threat match at the Royal Rumble Seth Rollins' cash-in at Wrestlemania John Cena's US open challenge (even if the outcome was never in doubt) Kevin Owens beating Cena clean at Elimination Chamber Brock Lesnar against the Undertaker at Hell in a Cell So there's five. I can count them on one hand.
  23. Got a lovely Gibson Explorer as a Christmas present to myself. Wanted one for ages and it looks awesome. It needs set up and all that but it plays pretty well straight out the box.
  24. Sorry, I meant stuff like Raw, Smackdown and the PPVs. I reckon I could count the Fed's great moments of 2015 on one hand.
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