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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. That's a rather "agricultural" comment there I blame Hassan Kachloul; wasn't he our business adviser at the time?
  2. Because its the international break and everyone's bored about talking about Brexit.... But the most telling point is... "Mr Bleksley makes a series of claims about Mr Wilson’s murder in a new book" However if the author was interested in justice rather than book sales surely the following wouldnt be the case? “Officers from the enquiry team have previously met and corresponded with Mr Bleksley, when he was invited to share any new information he has with us. To date, he has declined to do so. “Mr Bleksley and his publishing company also declined to provide an advance copy of his book to support Alistair Wilson’s family when approached by Police Scotland on their behalf.”
  3. He's going to get plenty of coverage anyway as the tabloids love a name that they make cheesy headlines that don't quite rhyme such as "Dolly Sorry" or "Offender Menga"
  4. Which is why Morelos got his red card against Aberdeen rescinded despite trying to scythe the boy down in retaliation? Actually; its been coming; for weeks as he's been on the receiving end of excessive "attention" from various defences purely because of the player he is i.e. gets involved and mixes things up. To be honest you can see he's been allowing himself to get wound-up by all the pushing and shoving, shirt grabbing and players climbing all over him. Sooner or later he was going to react. I suppose its a kind of back-handed compliment actually and he needs to take it as such. He's an exciting player, who will be a miss against the rangers, but he's not a striker and that's what we're missing at the moment
  5. The fuckin nick of this choad.... Apart from the fact that he keeps on going on about some team in Zambia; he also supposedly supports a team that employs Scott "elbows" Brown.
  6. Good news I suppose although you have to question whether it would really be in Celtic's best interest for Dolly Menga to receive a retrospective ban particularly seeing as who we're playing next and the fact that Dolly has a 100% record of scoring against them....
  7. Ahem; "Deary me" should be followed by a semi colon rather than a comma. Just saying; my celtices friend. But, if you really want to wind us up, try referring to us as "Livvy" or, even more hilarious, "Lavvy" - that one never gets old.
  8. Maybe I should point out that a synthetic eye has no impact on the tear gland which can "water" just as well as with a organic eye; but then, bearing in mind the problem understanding the concept of synthetic and natural grass pitches, I suppose I'm wasting my time. Oh; but please try harder on your spelling and punctuation.
  9. Not sure the buddies would qualify anyway on the basic criteria of sub 1500 home support?
  10. I also think that the quote "Sheer Fun" might not be the view of the non Celtic supporting fans who were on the receiving end but then I suppose Hearts; Hibs; St. Johnstone and Dundee don't matter to Mr Jackson.
  11. Any truth in the rumour that Kristoffer Ajer is being likewise charged for headbutting the back of Halkett's skull?
  12. Its interesting to see the mix of stories Keith jackson reports on.... https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/keith-jackson/ To be honest it doesn't seem that he would know much at all about Scottish football outside the obvious...
  13. Yes; both do and their experience is really valuable. Miller may not have scored a lot of goals for us but the number he's set up by nodding down to an advancing midfielder is impressive. Rafa has lately been better coming on as a sub in the second half. Mind you I'm not knocking your strategy of playing with twelve men; you could really be on to something.
  14. There was a hefty slice of luck about the Miller pass but I'll take them however they drop. Sibbald is generally better on the left so would have him in front of Lamie although slightly more central. Would see Hardie slotting into Robinson's position. All this being said its great to be able to argue about a team with such quality where no-one's really wrong; just perspective.
  15. Interesting point putting in RWB as i think this will depend more than most who we're playing. Lawless is probably the most effective attacking option in that position but cant defend for toffee; McMillan is a strong defender but often far too slow going forward. Robinson has also played well in that position. Menga can be very effective breaking things down and upsetting defences but his shooting is pretty poor.; as such I'd go for someone like Hardie or Hamilton along side him. Also it depends on the side you're up against; Menga had his best game for while on Saturday but he wasn't up against a tall defence that were going top lean over him and hold on to him at every opportunity. Against the likes of Motherwell and St. Johnstone he would probably have been better in a wide position.
  16. He had a good game in the 1-nil match against Annan; only about eight minutes against Hamilton and about 20 mins against Airdrie (which he did okay at). Played unnecessarily at a Gateshead friendly whilst apparently nursing an injury which knackered him. He's also played a reasonable number of reserve games so hopefully he's already fully up-to-speed. So far I've yet to see any evidence to put him starting in the team ahead of Keaghan; Lawson or even Lawless. Time will tell however.
  17. Raffa's 31 and Millers 35; in my experience player who have a long lay-off once they're past 30 really struggle to achieve their earlier form once back. Also regarding the plan to break down teams you don't think the opposition would complain about us fielding a team of 12? But then again I wouldn't have Sibbald in the starting lineup at the moment.
  18. Really? Lawson in instead of Keags? Really? Like. Are you serious right now? Not sure if De Vita would qualify for a starting position now particularly on the left which should, by rights, be Lamie; one if the best performers on Saturday despite the weather. Sibbald has one good game against Albion. Other than that he's been pretty nondescript; Robinson or Menga would be a far better option to stir things up a bit. Keaghan's set piece accuracy was really missed on Saturday; Lawson did okay but I rarely got the feeling that his set pieces were going to end up with a Livi player. Had rather hope he'd be able to recreate the corner he took in the Dundee game.
  19. Pretty sure we sold around 3000+ season tickets in our season in the SPL. Selling key players; financial irregularities and mid-season turmoil all took their toll after that. Also think we had a higher number of visiting fans in the first year as we were a new ground to most of the other teams' supporters.
  20. Actually looking at the guys stats he's almost a direct replacement for Declan who, I think, is one booking off an automatic ban. Despite being predominately a right back McMillan has been doing a sterling job marshalling the reserves defence so may be seen as the most appropriate backup for Halkett at the moment.
  21. For a twenty year old the boy is very tall at 6'4" - maybe all those growth hormones they used to keep putting into Dutch beef?
  22. Think you need to check out the word Irony Tam And for the record; when I went to the University of Cardiff it was free and you got a grant (money) for doing it as well.
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