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About Hawk89

  • Birthday 20/08/1989

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  • Location
    North Ayrshire
  • My Team
    Ayr United

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  1. Wee bit of public pressure might be enough, although I doubt it given they had the brass neck to list it as an asset.
  2. Think it is a limit of 5 from Scotland and either 6 or 7 from abroad (FIFA reduced it because of the big clubs taking the piss).
  3. I would assume (dangerous word) that we'd bring in a new full back if we had a decent cup run. I think it was McCall who always said escaping the league cup groups was worth atleast 1 if not 2 new signings, if we have a decent run and a good draw in the knockouts we're laughing.
  4. Could give us the Railway End so we could try blow it into the net from there.
  5. I liked him, had a few flaps here and there but you could clearly see the potential in him. Seem to remember him being very quick to play the ball back out which kept things moving for us on the counter.
  6. Genuinely wouldn't be shocked if we loan him out next season to a league 1/2 club and he never makes a full Ayr appearance due to being sold on to an academy down South. Seems to be consistently putting in big performances.
  7. Fair summary, it was looking 50/50 between staying up by the skin of our teeth and a meek relegation playoff showing a few weeks ago. Yes, we still have deficiencies. However, it feels like we will absolutely be alright now and away from any nonsense come April.
  8. Probably something that is in the long term basket, next Q&A it would be good to have raised. As, fair play to Mathie, it did seem like he answered pretty much every question they received.
  9. We should do well in the cards market on Skybet this afternoon though.......every cloud etc.
  10. It is probably fair to say that his time as manager was a case of him being a good guy for the club, unfortunately in the wrong role. Have to agree with you with how much he clearly put in, it must be very difficult to then go cold turkey. I don't mind him commenting it is actually quite refreshing to see a manager leave and not just absolutely slaughter the club. (Looking at Derek Adams just now with his weird stats).
  11. Off the back of the last two games, there really feels like we have some green shoots appearing. Absolutely cannot fault the sheer effort and determination being shown. I've convinced myself already that it isn't just a new manager bounce. It is weird to have watched two loses on the bounce and yet have a feeling of optimism. For this one I'd probably start Tomlinson over McAllister as he put in a pretty stellar showing at Ibrox. I'd also be hopeful of Bryden starting this one, as he is another who has really came onto it the past fortnight. I'm fairly confident we'll get something out of this, wouldn't be upset with a draw. Will have the win on my coupon.
  12. If ever there was a game for him to turn up it would be this one.
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