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O'Kelly Isley III

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Everything posted by O'Kelly Isley III

  1. It's all getting a bit reminiscent of the helicopter ascending from the roof of the American Embassy in Saigon in 1975. We can only imagine what will now be going in the minds of May and her Cabinet, never mind the zoomerati like Francois and Bridgen - apparently someone in Carlisle has claimed to have overheard Cox hailing a taxi in Westminster. And the really goods news is that people seriously under pressure often get it totally wrong - I wish them godspeed on that one.
  2. So, what's latest on The Laird of Croftamie's bid to purchase Scotland's fourth-oldest senior club ?? Is this the real life ? Is this just fantasy ?
  3. Forgive me, but I think we need guidance here from Detournement.
  4. If British political history is any guide then that is exactly what will happen; every instrument of governmental pressure, lying, blackmail, propaganda, scaremongering and media manipulation will be employed by the most dogmatic, bone-headed Prime Minister of modern times - and that includes Thatcher. And it's fascinating to consider the fabled 'will of people'; I was one of millions who marched to stop the Iraq invasion, funny that never seemed to register at Westminster. So there we have it. Expect Theresa May to soon hail her triumph in bequeathing the UK tuberculosis instead of bowel cancer.
  5. It's quite reassuring to know that you are a Grade A wahoo across multiple forums. Meanwhile, total respect to the Scottish squad for their contribution to one of the most remarkable rugby internationals I've ever watched.
  6. That looks like a right good turnout for Farage's 'March Of Mistruths'. One hundred folk really shows the overwhelming conviction of the Brexit lobby and fully justifies the media coverage.
  7. I'm delighted to have personally contributed to this; four of us used to meet every second Friday at the local Spoons but immediately Martin started peddling his Brexit message on the beermats that was enough for me. He followed up on that by dropping a range of continental drinks. An astute businessman would maybe ponder the outcome but it would appear the grizzled fool has Trumposis.
  8. Because it's like this. A very stupid woman with an even more stupid idea gets to childishly stamp her feet again and again until she is eventually able to throw a six on her dice. The rest of us, being adults, only ever get one throw of the dice.
  9. Perhaps, but Blackford too often comes across as a self-righteous windbag - he needs to work on being incisive. Viewers don't much like to be drawn into 'Aw f**k naw' territory on a repeat basis.
  10. Well, thanks for responding, but as we all know football clubs act as a semi-permanent magnet for all sorts of wannabes, fantasists and chancers [emoji6]
  11. Two years or more will be dandy.... with every week that passes the Brexit tide goes further out and only the fanatics are left. As for May's deal, it is horrendous and should be savaged as such - ditto the whole Brexit concept. Those who voted for it will one day thank the rest of us.
  12. May is now running on fumes, her cabinet authority shredded, and I'm finding it difficult to contemplate her managing to get her deal across the line. Surely blind dogma and party loyalty must hit the buffers at some time soon.
  13. Exactly what Carol Cadwalladr of The Guardian was tweeting earlier. Anyone who still thinks that Brexit being an attempted right-wing coup is nought but a fevered notion should maybe think on.
  14. That is one helluva post for a dreich Wednesday night, and either there is some bootleg Doom Bar doing the rounds (geddit ?), or there is some substance to this. If these are FACTS as you say, is the Board of Directors of DFC aware of them ?
  15. In the middle of this crisis, there is a huge element of black comedy in the fact that the 'natural party of Government' is digging itself further into a hole almost on an hourly basis. Any moment now we can expect Andrea Leadsom to produce a tumbler and the Scrabble letters, enquiring 'Are you there Mrs Thatcher ?'
  16. Whilst I agree entirely, the danger with that is that it feeds in further to the narrative already being successfully peddled that the current maelstrom is due to the EU's intransigence and unreasonable behaviour. At the very least the EU should ensure that there are no maverick comments or suggestions which can be seized upon, and they present the case for an orderly outcome in a calm and reasoned manner. Having said that, I listened last night to the DUP still suggesting that, contrary to all evidence, an alternative deal can still be won - bampots, one and all.
  17. Holy f**k, here we are again this morning with the deep-thinking folk of Bolton making a bold and blindly simplistic bid for the title of Brexit Central. Nine people interviewed and broadcast by Jane McCubbin and every one a rabid Brexiteer. Then cut to Brexitdorm for another dollop of spittle-flecked bile..... not an alternative viewpoint anywhere, WTF is going on at BBC television ?
  18. It is indeed, and I'm all for that even if I don't always agree, but I really prefer them to be reasonably informed. But it seems that the BBC editors are incapable of finding, or perhaps more accurately broadcasting, any supporter of Brexit who doesn't come across as a lobotomised Danny Dyer. Worse than that, these 'innits' are seldom ever challenged on their views - maybe a wise course of interviewing. I would comment on the Remain mob, but they seem noticeable only by their absence on the BBC.
  19. Can anyone explain why the BBC is now producing vox pops with woefully ill-educated members of the great British public on a daily basis ?
  20. Yep, and if I hear another plummy retired English voice on Reporting Scotland demanding that 'they just get in with it' I'll put my boot through the telly.
  21. No, the full thing is about gaining power to enact that manifesto, and you simply won't achieve that if said manifesto doesn't appeal to enough of the electorate. But wait, I'm actually wrong there, it's even more than that. It also involves inspiring a broad enough range of people to form a consensus to deliver power, and forming a team which inspires confidence. For you, taking part seems to be more important than winning. Politics and its effects on peoples' lives is too important for that sort of self-indulgence.
  22. Aye, I saw that, and whilst I don't condone bombs anywhere I'm struggling to understand why the IRA would countenance targeting Glasgow - it doesn't add up.
  23. Would that really matter to Corbyn and his camp followers ? He strikes me as a guy who would happily see Labour become the East Stirling of UK politics rather than temper his own ideological purity.
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