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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. I'm desperately trying to think of a joke that involves pulling out, XBL and his Mum and Dad. Any help? (p.s. Only kidding you big cuddly bear)
  2. I'm rooked. Could just about scrape together the train fare. Now, had it been a week on Saturday......
  3. It would cement the Subcrawl as a proper annual P&B event if someone could pass away at some point in the night. Do your best lads, eh?
  4. Diagnosed with Achilles damage. Been given a months worth of ibuprofen and rest. Time to start a swimming thread?
  5. I joined and lasted 1 day when we were promoted to the SPL. Someone called me a pedo, I asked them how they came to this conclusion and was banned for instigating allegations of child abuse. One F in Falkirk is exactly the same. The big boys on that site have, almost to a man, tried mixing it here on P&B and had their arses handed to them. Utter fools. Every club will have this on their own fans forum. Ours is pretty much a sanctuary for cretins. Do you have a club page on FB? Ours is another embarrassment. You can't help commenting on some of the outlandish shit on it yet feel dirty afterwards (for taking advantage of morons who can't use reason and logic).
  6. I've never understood this phrase. To me it translates as "If I had a braw looking daughter I'd lust after her soapy tits" Not that I'm saying you're a beast Marshmallow.
  7. Nice one Ziggy. I received my 8th or 9th ballot rejection today
  8. They could just tell us if that was the case. Because things are shrouded in secrecy these events are a waste of time.
  9. I think that finalises my non-appearance...
  10. I think the arguement that new players are not adapting to his tactics is weak. A good manager will sign players that already suit his tactics. If he can't find these players he will find a system that gets the best out of what he has. I've not been to a game this season but results would suggest that neither is the case. Is this a fair assumption? Before you look at the opposition and how to best stop them you need to ensure you know how to get the best out of your own players first. In other words, you can only piss with the dick you've got. A classic example being when Walter Smith took the Scotland job. Identifying when to go back to basics is surely not rocket science from a manager???
  11. To be fair to Ritchie, he ducked out of this weeks ago.
  12. I'm a no for the time being. I'll see how I'm fixed nearer the day.
  13. To me this is a simple situation. The government has finally come clean. Apologies have been made. Those involves in the despicable cover up will have to live with this for the rest of their lives. As will any Liverpool fan that entered Lepping's Lane without a valid ticket or who turned up late and pushed and pushed in vain. To date I cannot remember any acceptance from Liverpool fans that they played any part in this tragedy other than blameless victim. If that is not the case then I apologise. The 96 dead, their familes and the injured have their justice, almost.
  14. Thoughts on pulling a cheeky half Subcrawl?
  15. I'm now past the point of caring about using the correct term for 'The Rangers'. In fact, they are Rangers. The only thing that has really changed is they now have no debt and can rack up some trophies and build up a huge feeling of righting an incorrectly perseved wrong. By the time they hit the SPL it will be Bigotfest Dulux. Which leads me onto the fact that we can't mention Falkirk without Rangers coming into the discussion. We seem inextricably linked together at the moment and I fucking hate it. Thank you Martin Ritchie. You have managed to keep Rangers at the forefront of FFC discussion for months now. From your non-commital pre-vote statements, your condascending post-vote garbage and now your insistance that our whole season somehow depended on 2 games against Sevco. Add to that the Rangers related fiaco with the announcer and chummy closed door games at Ibrox I'm surprised the new tops were not of the Royal variety of blue. In fact, surely we would sell more if they were?
  16. For some reason this bounce game has really annoyed me. I've probably crossed the line and I'm now looking for reasons to be annoyed
  17. LOLIn doing so you are the first one to mention Ritchie along with the Deans You appear to be the only one so far that has made that conclusion ya tool.
  18. Stop acting the cunt Kiddy. If you are trying to goad me into making unfounded allegations of criminal activity against Ritchie you are going to fail. Just a heads up Kiddy. There are a few lawyers crawling over Pie and Bovril at the moment for various reasons. It's not a good idea to link the current board with guys who faced embezzlement and fraud charges, even if your intention was to attribute the allegation to someone else.
  19. What the f**k are you droning on about now? You mentioned the Deans, not me. I don't think Ritchie is any good at running a club. Nothing more, nothing less.
  20. I don't think anyone can say 100%. Ritchie gives out so many mixed messages when it comes to finances that each side of any arguement has plenty of ammo. We can be facing HMRC oblivion and rolling in it due to player sales within any 12 month period. One pertinant point to make is we had finished with a profit from each of our first 3 seasons in the SPL (and in 7th position for the second year in a row). Somehow, despite gate receipts from a further 2 SPL seasons, 2 League Cup semi final gates and prize money, a Scottish Cup final appearance and prize money, European football (and I assume some prize money), a Ramsden Cup win and prize money and player sales of at least £1 million in the last 2 or 3 years we are in the grubber. I assume we are in the grubber because the HMRC had us printed in the Gazette for non-payment of tax. Later in the same year we were basking in the glow of player sales and massive gate receipts from Cup games (that could not be budgeted for). That's some turnaround. The only conclusion that can be made looking at Ritchie's actions and comments this summer is that we are still fiscally fucked. It would appear we were about to rely on selling another young lad. We wouldn't have been begging for Sevco fans to come to the games otherwise. Ritchie needs Sevco to cover up what I can only imagine are gross mistakes in the budget going back years.
  21. I was the same last year after the Glasgow Half. I was injured and dreading the London Ballot. I was mightily relieved when it was another rejection but a matter of days after and I was back to being gutted. I don't have the time to raise the charity amounts that guarantee a place but I also don't want to be of an age that I can't do it justice.
  22. It makes no difference what was said, where and when. The shitty aspect is our club chairman is willing to drop the guy after years of voluntary service for the sake of a few Sevco fans. If his comments about the attendences at our Sevco cup games are true then he's fucked the budget again. A possible boycott could lead to Pressley having to sell a player? These cup draws are bonuses. A proper budget for the season would not be counting on drawing either former Old Firm side. A proper budget would ensure that the squad that started the season would stay together. We cannot count on a favourable cup draw, a cuo run or indeed any club paying money for any player we make available as and when we run out of cash mid-season. If what he has said is true then we are either staring at more financial strife this season or he is acting just as the SPL/SFA did in the summer(i.e. idle threats to cover up ineptitude). The more I think of it the more this guy needs removed.
  23. Hi Falkirk Shop, Put a hold on that sale. If you see the Chairman tell him it's his fault.
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