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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Again, he was one of the few target men we have completely failed to provide service for. He's got decent pedigree as did Jason Lee. Asking those guys (and guys like Higdon) to drop to the halfway line to pick up the ball is asking for trouble. All 3 of them would be scoring in our current team.
  2. If you think Kalis is the worst player I can only assume you've been going to games for about 5/6 years. He's far from the worst and Pressley's since admitted he was an emergency squad filler.
  3. I still haven't ran since the half marathon in Glasgow Hoping to get out over the weekend and kickstart my year of 10K improvement.
  4. Best - Wagamama or Loch Fyne Worst - Garfunkles
  5. I think her kid may have gone to nursery with mine. Sammy, do you know the one in the middle? The one on the right seems to have won the league at least 3 or 4 times.
  6. I think there's plenty of life in this thread yet. In fact, I've a couple in mind I might try out tonight.
  7. He looks like a tough Glasweigan cop from a TV drama.
  8. That's funny because the 3 ex-miners I know all blame Thatcher 100%. I can't help but feel that there not much we can do to stop our climate change. We are simply going the way of the dinosaurs. We can change our consumption but I don't think it will make much difference in the grand scheme of things. Scientists say the sun will supernova or run out of energy in 5 or 6 billion years. The dinosaurs died off about 65 milion years ago. I reckon mankinds time will come and pass before our planet turns into a lump of ice. What will replace us I have no idea (if anything will replace us, maybe robots ). I can't get too upset at what my future family will do millions of years down the line. That said, I'll still continue to recycle.
  9. The Tories could try and reinvent her as some kind of conservationist ahead of her time?
  10. Sorry. I 'reded' that by mistake. I owe you a grew one.
  11. Yeah, it was poorly phrased. I was talking about McDonald and Jackson. We've been assured they are the best in the business.
  12. I think everyone would be in agreement that if your better players were less prone to injury they would be playing elsewhere.
  13. League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century 1969 by Alan Moore A disappointment to be honest. There are lots of nice touches and references to popular culture. Deep down though the story is basically crap. The artwork is exceptional though, treading the fine line bewtween faithful 60's homage and Austin powers parody. The firdt Moore that I've been disappointed in
  14. Anyone up for dressing like Tron and running round Arthur's Seat in the dark? Speed of Light
  15. Stop cementing your position as the best one of "them", ya smelly fife twat Agree with your post. I had a brief chat with him in town shortly after he left the club and he was super passionate for the Bairns.
  16. I was a pencilled in for a return to running tomorrow but I've been sidelined with a heavy cold. On top of that, it looks like Nizzy is now cheating on me with young Gaz. Boooo!
  17. Very hard. I usually need to enter a race to stay motivated at this time of the year.
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