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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Good luck with that! One a week? Already been told that's not an option. It's my wife's last day of maternity leave and she's told me she's not spending it standing in Glasgow Green waiting on me finishing. She can spend it trapped in the house with two screaming kids instead then
  2. Not too sure about no bag storage. Having witnessed the mayhem at the Edinburgh Marathon this year though I can see why they don't want to move bags from the start to the finish line. Looks like an early start geting to the finish line to drop off bags before heading back to the start. I'll be fucked before the start.
  3. I was just printing off the course this morning. Must admit to feeling nervous for the first time. I was cool until last night but there's a friend's husband whose running and he's shitting himself. He feels under prepared and now I'm feeling the same. I'll be happier when my race number arrives and I know the finer details such as bag storage and train times. The actual run should be fine although I've only gone as far a 10 miles in my training. I suppose my immediate concerns are getting a playlist together for my iPod (according to a reply from the run's Facebook page there is no problem with MP3 players on the course) and hitting my charity target. Anyone else running for charity? I'm £45 short of my target.
  4. 9.30 start might be the 10K? Hope I'm right. I thought the half marathon started about 11. Deky - you'll probably end up a bit faster on the day.
  5. Or instead of another player we might see out the season without passing out the begging bowl again.
  6. So far we have it reported on a Dunfermline forum, at a Partick game and now on a Stenny Forum. And not a sniff on One F, this site or any other site from any Falkirk fans.... Things are poor financially but I'd expect if this were to be true we'd have heard something from a more reliable source/leak by now.
  7. It seems that everyone but Falkirk fans know about this
  8. http://www.parkrun.org.uk/strathclyde/home Might be the best (closest) one to you Deky.
  9. With the half marathon looming I headed out last night and managed 10 miles. It's the furthest I've gone so far in my training. Of late my training has been erratic so I was expecting a hard run but it was fine. Except for the vomiting. At 7.5 miles I ran past the landfill site that has accepted the toxic waste from the Olympic site down in East London. They have it under plastic sheeting at the moment and in the heat it's rancid smelling. A combination of exhaustion, heat and that smell had me heaving at the roadside. Hello pre-run snack and then a couple of minutes later, Hello lunch It wasn't about a time last night, just about finishing the distance but I'm happy enough with my 87:24. I'm looking to do the Half in 1hr 45 so I feel bang on track.
  10. I'm about to drop Limmy from my Twitter. The boy tweets about 30 times a day.
  11. I've seen myself jump into the shower after a hard session and run cold water over my legs for 5-10 mins. Works a treat and beats sitting in an ice bath, freezing my nads off.
  12. I think current logic suggest cold, not hot. The cold water drives blood away from the capillaries in your skin, back into your muscles, aiding recovery.
  13. Sorry to piss on your chips but the guy's played what...2 or 3 times? I remember Higginbottom ripping last season's friendly opponents a new one. It's far too early to make bold statements like that and in true Falkirk fashion, should he fail to live up to hype like this, we will end up making his life miserable.
  14. I'm in the same boat. Haven't seen the likes of Kingsley etc. However, despite Totten's final squad containing Jamie McQuilken. Mark Kerr and Lee Miller it was still worse than what we have now.
  15. We had a poorer squad in Totten's final year IMO.
  16. I have my barcode printed out but I'm now unfortunately working. Parkrun or double time? Double time I'm afraid.
  17. For that to happen I can only see two scenarios: Romping the league with ease, thus attracting suitors for our manager Staring relegation in the face by Christmas. If we are safe in the middle of the table (still above Morton mind) then he'll be safe in his job as well.
  18. Most beginners plans that I've seen start with 3 days running and the odd day cross training. I'd recommend that if you're moving from treadmill to road (although everyone's different). The good thing is that if your plan is no good for you (and you'll know one way or another) you'll be able to easily find another one that suits your needs (be that less or more runs per week).
  19. f**k sake man, quit while you're behind. Your justification as to why McManus is so bad easily applies to Andy Jackson. Andy Jackson couldn't get a game up front for St Johnstone who were going through the biggest dry spell since your sex life. The fact McInnes has made moves to resolve the goal drought by replacing Jackson with Carl Finnegan speaks volumes about Jackson's true worth as a striker.
  20. Vague 'donkey's years' reference.... Brings Hughes into the timescale... Now blethers on about 'ancient history' once shown up to be a slavering idiot again Morton would kill to have a Challenge Cup under their belt Pointing out that May and Pressley are useless is hardly box office material as well. What's your next blockbusting point? Allan McGraw was shite at 100m?
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