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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Throw in a couple of 1st division titles and a challenge cup as well. Another episode of 'When fishing trips go bad' brought to you by VT.
  2. That's it in a nutshell, especially at our level. VT can dress it up all he wants but Jackson's supposed superior offer from County probably didn't cover his travelling costs from the central belt. That's why County will suffer, although both themselves and ICT have a fantastic pedigree since joining the senior ranks. I was never Yogi's biggest fan as a manager but to suggest Moore has out performed him is utterly laughable
  3. Superb! Hmmm, not sure. Someone else donated but it didn't register either.
  4. 8 1/2 weeks till the half marathon? Crikey! I'm still £70 short of my £75 charity pledge.
  5. I've been a lazy shite over the last two weeks, only managing it out twice. Last night I bite the bullett and attempted an easy 4 miles. The first half was dreadful, aches and pains all over. After they wore off though (and after stopping by the ruins of an old house along the way and getting properly spooked) I melted it back home. I've not looked at the splits but the second half was way faster than the first. Managed it home in 31:37
  6. The Metro report £150K with a percentage of any future transfer fee. It's up to Flynn now. If he goes I can see us signing the keeper and McManus and the French boy if he's still hanging around. The fact he is suggests to me he's been promised a deal if we find the money. It also has an article on Dundee Utd in Europe. Thhe player put forward by the club to talk to the press was Severin. They are not going to do that if they are looking to get him out on loan. Also, he's far too young for us to consider yet
  7. You'll need to give up the fags Deky Good luck in the 10K lads, I've read that Nell McAndrew is running it. Just jostle into position behind her and forget about a PB
  8. 15% off at Run For It, in conjunction with the Great Scottish Run. Clicky
  9. Surely given our squad, Scobbie will be at left back. That's if he's even with us at all? You're forgetting we signed Darren Dods. If Murray Wallace is any good he'll get plenty of games.
  10. Grrrr - all, and I really do mean just about every rebuilding job needs to be built on a solid defence. I'd be far happier having the defence and goalkeeper see out a full preseason with late additions up front if need be. Call me a cynic but I don't think scoring goals is going to be our major headache next season....
  11. Radio One have been to Falkirk twice in recent history, precisely because it was between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Once in the Cally Park and another down in Camelon. I too see no reason why gigs couldn't be held at TFS.
  12. Personally, once someone moves on I generally don't give a shit how they get on.
  13. Surely the funnier rumour was that Reading are offering Tam Scobbie a trial? I wish Carl all the best if true but you have to wonder either how badly our strikers have been managed if Finnigan and Stewart have SPL suitors or Derek McInnes is getting desperate for strikers.
  14. There was a guy who completed the half and full marathons in Edinburgh this year.
  15. I run with a 32Gb iPod Touch. As Baggio says, the iPods with hard drives get fucked up when running. I broke the arm that reads the disc on my original iPod classic. I'm doing the half-marathon that day. They have arranged the start times of the two races so you could attempt 'the double'......
  16. Stephen Cody was the glue that held that squad together. Taylor was a class apart though. f**k it, they all were.
  17. 4-1 Ayr on Sky TV? We had to wait till the final day of the season against Meadowbank to confirm the title Ned. I still love you though
  18. When the hell was that? Is it some promotion from the 50/60/70's?
  19. Oh dear.... Please tell me you are intentionally missing the point. The fact Stewart can't trap a ball doesn't make him a bad player, doomed to fail anywhere outside Scotland. Ally McCoist could trap a ball further than I can punt one but he still played in European competion and internationally. Colin Hendry's positional sense and technique were all over the shop but he was a very effective player in his prime. Some guys, such as Chris Mitchell, can have all the "skill" in the world. They are still crap. This does not mean I think all "skillful" players are crap. Just the crap ones.
  20. To an extent I agree with HB. Kevin McAllister was never the most technically gifted player. The boy could dribble though and had the heart of a lion. Chris Mitchell springs to mind as the type of player who has all the 'skills'. To me he lacks the mind to apply these skills in an effective manner during a match. He's the new Jamie McCunnie, picking up wages and U-21 caps for zero return.
  21. Playing Devil's advocate here but perhaps he scored 17 goals because he was being deployed in exactly the correct fashion last season? What's the latest rumours then? OutFlynn - away to Hearts/Dundee Utd/Huddersfield/League One Stewart - Bradford Scobbie - Killie/St Mirren Twaddle - Killie In McGovern - Ross County Stewart - Cowdenbeath Re-signing Olejnik/Finnigan/McManus
  22. Berating Stewart for his ability to trap a ball is as redundant as blasting Darryl Duffy for his tackling. I'm sure a manager will forgive his striker if he's the leading scorer in the league. Stewart showed enough last season to suggest to me he will make the League Two grade. To suggest that someone's ability is somehow limited by geography is crazy.
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