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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Nothing to lose. Diamonds - what an effort Debs - good PB
  2. I just read that on Facebook. It really an appalling decision. It's one of the very greatest sporting achievements of all time in any sports.
  3. London would be my 3rd and although I promised myself I'd train to break 4 hours I just can't stomach the thought of it right now. It ain't the weather that will put me off. I just felt that training to go 1hr 45 in the half was in the end too much for me physically. I can afford the time to put in the runs, I don't think I can afford the time to build up the core strength needed to get the most out of the training. I know that sounds all wrong but maybe I'm happy to be a plodder.
  4. I'm hitting the road again tonight for the 1st time since the GSR. Hope my knees and ankles are up to it. I'm now dreading the London Marathon ballot results.
  5. I find it's the same with the "Edinburgh" Marathon. They have sacrificed the running experience for a flatter, faster route.
  6. Quit trolling Falkirk Shop everytime he posts then.
  7. The real sad thing is we are talking about a couple of years till financial security. We had that and then some. I'm still staggered to beleive that someone at the club agreed with the idiot Hughes that being the 7th best side in Scotland two years running wasn't good enough for a club our size. The young guys in the side is uplifting but had we kept to our budgets while in the SPL, a relegation would not have seen us having to throw them all in at the one time. And we may have been talking of mounting a creditable title challange not in two or three years time but immediately. That we came 3rd last season tells it's own tale of the quality in the division at the moment.
  8. @ Kiddy Thanks for the comments guys. I plough the money from FFC related sales back into the club. It's not much but I suppose every little helps.
  9. Are those socks for real? I'm going to have to buy a pair as soon as I'm paid.
  10. I'd head back over to Youtube for the rest of the night ya whalloper, you're making a right fanny of yourself. Any reason you've shat out of taking a pop at this venture over on One F?
  11. Well I've made another sale this evening so carry on my good man
  12. Kiddy is by far the biggest bellend to ever claim to support FFC on this site. However, his attention may not be a bad thing. Every time he criticises my t-shirts, traffic to my website shoots up and sales quickly follow. The more he questions your updates the more folk will probably look at them.
  13. I picked up good Nike shoes at their factory outlet place at Sterling Mills. It's a bit hit or miss going to these places though. £35 they cost me. I'm happy to report that my knee is feeling a lot better, just aches as does the rest of my body. I think I'll still get it checked out though. Captain Sensible's untimely return to the thread chilled me to the very core with his tales of multiple operations and taking up.....cycling *shudder*
  14. My right knee is giving me so much pain I could probably shed tears if I let myself. There is little range of movement at all. I can put my weight on it OK but moving it is a complete no-no. I hope to god I don't get a place in the London Marathon ballot.
  15. No need to be embarrassed. I managed the half marathon in 1 hour 55 mins. That's 10 mins quicker than my previous half. How hot was it though? The homemade water station and hose on Pollockshaws Road was fantastic. How did everyone else get on?
  16. I was due to hit the road one final time before Sunday - didn't. Don't think at this stage it will matter too much. McB - I've had 6.30am bowls of pasta on the mornings of the 2 marathons I've run. I'd go with porridge.
  17. My 10mile run on Tuesday took me 8:35 mins per mile on average (although I was fannying about in the 1st 3 miles). If I take that pace into the Half Marathon I'll be finishing around 1hr 52. I'll take that as my only previous half was 2hrs 5 mins.
  18. If you base your rebuilding round signing 3 guys who came 3rd in the Scottish 1st division you're asking for trouble. Especially if 2 of them hardly featured.
  19. Just conquered Cockleroy with a very hungover Nizzy. I felt bad dragging him through the forests of Beecraigs park before tackling the big hill. Views were amazing though, well worth it. 2 weeks till Glasgow.
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