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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. It's a great feeling when you smash a personal target. I'm pretty certain that most regular posters in the thread have similar stories. I know that when I was last training properly I was around the 10 minute mile level. Last night I hammered 4 miles with a pace of 7:54 per mile which I was well chuffed about.
  2. I can see their point but to me that's easily fixed if entrants are honest about their finishing times and stick to their allocated starting pens (for bigger races I concede). Also, having ran in a fair few events, surely any question of being boxed in is down to course design. I've been stuck in bottlenecks before but it's due to poorly thought out routes more than MP3 players.
  3. I've been burned twice by engagement parties. Bought gifts, couples split up. Visit them afterwards and see which one claimed my gift.
  4. tmonkeytshirts It's fairly uninspiring stuff though
  5. I'm slowly getting into it since I got my new phone at Christmas. It's mostly t-shirt related stuff I use it for though. 30 odd followers, probably waiting for FFC related t-shirts.
  6. What a load of pish. My iPod greatly helped me in the second half of the 2008 marathon. I can only compare that to my in and out times and the horrors I endured when I first tackled the marathon in 2003 (without an MP3 player).
  7. I ran the Edin Marathon in 2008 and MP3s were allowed then. I'd be interested to find out what the reason is behind their ban. The final few miles of that Marathon are fairly well supported Reina. It's the previous 24 miles of empty streets and barren coastal roads that did me in. Any tips for marathon beginners? Walking is fine until you are up to longer distances. I walked for 5 mins when I hit the wall at 20 miles back in 2008. I knew it was time to gt back running when I felt my legs turning to concrete though. If you are not feeling up to a training run don't feel too guilty about it. Obviously don't be a pussy about it. If it's raining or windy - get out there. If you have an ailment of some kind though it's better to rest than aggrivate it further by rigidly sticking to a training routine. If you only manage 8 miles of a 10 mile run that's fine too (as long as you go into the marathon knowing you can comfortably get round 17/18/19 miles you should be fine). Forget about predicted times on the day if you are struggling, folk can do themselves very real damage and worse overdoing it on the day.
  8. Ouch! I'd turn to jelly if I didn't go out on the odd run. Not good news Footiechick I forgot to un-pause my workout on Sunday - lost 3.2 miles which is a shame as I managed 8.8 miles in the end.
  9. I haven't been out for a week now due to the cold. Got a run planned for Sunday though but Mother's Day stuff means it will probably be a short one. Looking forward to it though.
  10. 5 great runs guys I've succumbed to the cold that's hit the house and wouldn't have been able to run Grangemouth even if I had entered. Lost count of the bugs I've picked up from the kids this year alone.
  11. Forgive me. I lose track of the comings and goings at the wee teams I think you get my point though. He will of course run the show on Saturday.
  12. I think that with the players at Hib's disposal McBride's water-carrier role would see him perform some sort of tidy, efficient role in the side. At Falkirk, he just stopped any forward momentum dead. He's a contrary fella anyway, he used to love us. Falkirk made me love the game again. Apparently he doesn't like ugly, physical football. As long as he has more than 90% of Rovers fans in love with him and the rest of the division allow him the time to pick out McGurn with unerring accuracy things will be just peachy
  13. If Falkirk are your wee team I reckon that makes Raith your wee wee team. Which is apt
  14. You seem to spend us much time on One F as you do at The Falkirk Stadium
  15. I think this says more about Kevin McBride than it does Falkirk fans. His performances completely justified any abuse he started to take. Article such as these only made things worse for him. We were total toilet in Yogi's final two seasons and the seige mentality that Hughes created at the club extended towards Falkirk's fans. Moron's like McBride and Higdon were too stupid or cowardly to do anything but toe Yogi's line. He will probably play very well against us if picked but deep down, if he thinks that reaching the cup final excused his performances in his final season he's delusional. It will be interesting to see what effect 1st division football has on his one-paced and cautious style.
  16. Phew...that felt good. No...wait...... OK, carry on, nothing to see here.
  17. I was out twice yesterday (long story) but put in 8 miles. It was a scorcher in the morning though - 5.7 miles round Grangemouth and up to Polmont. The Old Kirk Entry was a beast. Topped it up to the 8 miles a few hours later heading back from Polmont to Grangemouth. That's me broke the camel's back now though in terms of motivation. I even headed out to the Nike store out at Sterling Mills for new running shoes. All I need now is to get my sponsorship link out to folk and I'll just be focused on getting my distance up then time down
  18. Finnigan - keep (am I the 3rd or 4th fan?) BOB - GTF Rory McAllister - I'm sure he's been the subject of SPL bids in the past but he's focused on his plumbing gig. Given he want's to remain part-time I really don't think we should go near him. Unless we go part time or have a manager that is more understanding of a PT player's needs.
  19. Managed 4 miles in 33:09 which I'm happy enough with given the undulating course and the rain. I think I'll give Grangemouth a miss though.
  20. I was all geared up for another 4 miles as I up my sporadic training. Look at the snow!
  21. I have a place in the Great Scottish Run in September Free entry through my work as well It will be my first time running it. Anyone got any stories?
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