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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. I've been moving furniture and had a pile of PS2 games lying about. Katie picked up Parrapa The Rappa and asked what it was. I told her and she ran through to her Mum shouting "I want to play Crappa the Crappa on the compuuuuuter!"
  2. It didn't hurt until I looked down. I was faced with the decision of sitting at Stirling A&E or sitting at TFS. Either way I was going to end up miserable Edit: My spelling is dreadful today.
  3. I stood on a plank of wood with a nail through it that sunk deep into my heel on Saturday so any thought of running's gone right out the window. The prospect of a marathon place and the renewed interest in the Nike+ stuff should get me back out running as soon as it's healed up though.
  4. London Marathon Ballot Ballot for the London Marathon 2011 now open. I'm in, just have to wait until October to see if I'm one of the lucky 35,000. Any other P&B runners up for it?
  5. I was shopping for baby clothes on Sunday. A strange experience.
  6. I had a bowl of All Bran before a run once and almost shat myself about a mile in.
  7. Let me get a replacement chip for my shoe and I'm in. BTW, London 2011 ballott opens May 4th. Fist come first served, limited to the first 125,000 entries.
  8. Me too. Found out about them here as well. From you
  9. My wife is due mid August and we are already planning a night away just the two of us in October. As you say, each to their own.
  10. I wouldn't be too concerned about getting faster then. I'd echo what the other guys have said. Once you've got a good base level of fitness you'll be able to push yourself a bit harder but until then just incrementally increase your distance. If (once you feel up to it) you find the time, long medium paced runs are great at keeping weight off ie going out for a couple of hours but not killing yourself doing so.
  11. Soppy b*****ds Having said that, Katie has a toy pony that plays Here Comes The Sun which will always put me in mind of bringing her home from the hospital.
  12. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer. I'm planning on breaking my 10K time by the end of the year so I'll be increaseing the duration of my run until I'm easily finishing 7 miles. Once there I'll concentrate on my speed. Depends what your goals are with your running? Races, weight loss???
  13. Katie was born at 2.11am and I was at the hospital until 5am. Quick stop off for my breakfast at the Esso garage and in bed for 6.15. Up at 9.30, texting folk until 10 and back at the hospital for 10.15am. I was running on pure adrenalin after witnessing our own version of the birth scene from 'V'. I think I remember crashing out about 2 days later.
  14. I managed my first run since 2008 (hangs head in shame). 2 miles in 20 mins. I feel broken but it's a start at least.
  15. I wish I hadn't asked now and thats after our own difficult first birth as well. Glad to hear things are better now. And going home on your own is very weird. I stopped off at a garage and sat in the house with an Irn Bru, steak McCoys and a Dairy Milk for my breakfast before getting 3 hours sleep and then back to the hospital.
  16. Spill it Suspect Device, we're all friends here anyway Congrats by the way, they are coming thick and fast at the moment.
  17. That was great today. Everything is perfect but the scan photos we got are so so. It wouldn't stay still for a decent profile shot. It was stretching, boxing and flipping about most of the time which is a pain for the sonographer but thrilling for us to watch. 19 weeks to go.
  18. Congrats Mozzamozza We have our 20 week scan tomorrow, although it's more like 21 weeks.
  19. Just go with what you feel comfortable with then. If you feel you could go a bit further/faster just do it. Listen to what your body is telling you though. If your in pain , ease up a bit.
  20. I was looking at photos taken when my wee girl was born and I was carrying a bit of weight. With no. 2 due in August and the reappearance of this thread I feel it's high time I dug out my gutties and hit the road (especially as I don't want to be breathing out my arse after 2 minutes at the 5's) Time to take back the Union Canal!
  21. I remember the real nappy lady coming to our NCT class to get us to consider the environment. She was explaining how you put the disposable liner inside the nappy and I had to ask if the liner was biodegradable. Nope! She then went on to tell us about the nappy bin you put them in and how they would come and collect them to wash. Apparently mass washing them in batches is better in the long run, for some reason. My wife asked how, once we had bought our real nappies available in a variety of colours and designs, they would get the right nappies back to the right parents. They couldn't, you just handed over x amount of nappies and got x amount back, but it was OK bececause they were sterile clean and you'd be using the non-biodegradable liners anyway. This prompted another guy to ask how much it cost to keep the electric powered nappy enviro-truck on the road. Guess what? They used a normal diesel truck to drive around Barnet collecting shat-in nappies. We use Pampers.
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