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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. That's just at the start of the route. Good luck with your rehab.
  2. The Proposal 6/10 I like Ryan Reynolds. I like Sandra Bullock. I like the premise. There was no chemistry between the two of them though. Well, no romantic chemistry. Which is a failing for a rom-com. They are great at fighting though. And it gains marks for Sandra Bullock getting very nude (as nude as a 12A will probably get).
  3. The Glasgow one? I just received a free place in it which is great. I does only give me 6 weeks to prepare though having not been out for ages. Is it a PB type route or will it be fairly undulating in parts given it's in Glasgow?
  4. Hank Evans is genius. That film is as funny as Anchorman, underrated seriously. Cloverfield 7/10 I enjoyed it. It's a silly monster movie - yey!
  5. Freakononmics. It's a pretty interesting read. Moves at the same kind of pace as a thriller which is great for a non-fiction book by an economist.
  6. Worst.





  7. Gregory's Girl - a solid 8/10 There's f**k all plotline, just loads of chatting and walking about yet it's utterly charming. "QUIET...you small..boy"
  8. She is leaving but to go to university, not to try her hand at a pop career B) It was indeed the worst TV moment of the year so far.
  9. Heartbreakingly obvious. Poor, poor writing. Very contrived.
  10. Yeah. I nipped out for a quick 2 mile run and was soaked through.
  11. It will be a PTTGOYN then after you've finished it will be a RTBC. That's how I feel anyway after fearing a run.
  12. How did you get on Gaz? I saw your avatar change and it reminded me. Reminded me that I'd missed it Oh well, the entry fee saved can go towards a semi final ticket.
  13. I think it's £20 but you need to purchase something to put the sensor in if you don't have Nike+ trainers (they have a space in the sole). You buy various pouches that you can tie to your laces on Amazon and Play. I'd say you could be recording your runs from as little as £27 up to as much as Nike+ trainers are (£70-£90 although there are always old models on sale in running shops).
  14. I managed 4 miles in the wind today but pretty happy with 32:47 at this stage. My eye's were streaming running out into the wind but I fairly tanked along the canal with the wind at my back.
  15. Wrong way round I always get Greenaway and Jarmon's films mixed up although I've only ever watched one all the way through to the end (Jarmon's Jubilee I think???).
  16. I noticed the latest entry date was 22nd and I get paid on the 20th so I might not be doing it if it's full up. I can't see that happening though so should be there. I'm only just getting back into the swing of things so I'll be aiming to go under 60 mins for this 10K. I managed 2.05 miles in 15:14 mins last night (a similar pace to your 10K time) but there is no way I'll keep that up for another 4 miles. Sub 45mins 10K for me by the end of the year though.
  17. FAO Gaz - where you out running last night? I drove up past Polmont Train Station and saw 2 folk running down past it. If not, you have a doppleganger.
  18. Palestine by Joe Sacco It took 3 attempts to get past the beginning but it really is a fantastic read. Harks back to the pre-TV days of photo-journalism. A sobering account of life for ordinary Palestinians. Pretty grim stuff although I (as does Sacco himself) concede it's a one sided account of the conflict.
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