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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. It's fucking agony, that's what it about I have a Nike technical running top that is great but run anything over about 15K in it and it turns into a neep neep grater. You'll be amazed how easy it becomes to increase the time/distance. And amazed how hard it is to get back into it if you stop
  2. That's hard luck, hopefully it will heal up fast. I'm clueless - when's Father's Day and where about is the 10K in Glasgow?
  3. I was gobbin all over the place last night. I realised that I never had to grog once when running the marathon. I can only put it down to fitness. Yep, if it's the 10K you're talking about. Look out for the challenge that gives you free entry, that's how I entered last year.
  4. It's not every wee boy has his birth announced on the club site (and within a matter of hours!). He's a grand looking wee boy, takes me back 20 months to our own 14 hours of stress, pain and gore If this is your first your about to do things you'd never have imagined ever having to do
  5. I watched that as well. I was going to say 5/10 but will have to settle at 4 because I'd like to give Anne Hathaway one. Last film I saw was Anchorman. Hand on heart I still rate this a 10/10
  6. I found my Nike+ sensor - hurrah! I've been using that and the snow as an excuse. If you are aiming for 47 mins I'm going to try and keep up with you If I pass you then you're not running fast enough.
  7. Great film. I've been to the Forbidden Palace and to see it as it would have been is quite thrilling actually. 2 great movies. Time Bandits is my favourite Gilliam, I'll second the 10/10.
  8. Interpol - Narc If you are into The Killers then grow up, buy some Interpol and chuck the Las Vegas rubbish in the bin (keep your When You Where Young CD single ). If you are a fan of Editors ask yourself - why watch Britains Top Model when America's Top Model is on? (Keep your Munich CD single during the clear out ) It's pretentious, arty NYC rock but at it's heart there's more dark humour and disco baselines than you can shake a Franz Ferdinand at. Buy the album Antics. Dismiss it, dismiss it again (and maybe again), then fall completely for it when every track suddenly falls into place as a proper full album should (no sparse hits with fillers here).
  9. The Untouchables - 9/10 "enthusiasms...enthusiasms.......enthusiasms"
  10. At least you'll be running that bit quicker.
  11. I recall slipping and falling about 5 times on one run due to all the snow and ice on the ground. To let you in on how cold it was I was running in Grangemouth which is usually a good 64 degrees warmer due to the refinery Think of staying on your feet as a workout for your core stability.
  12. Nice. That will still be quite warm I'd think. Going for a dip afterwards? Edit: Grangemouth Round the Houses 10K is my 1st target - Sunday March 29th
  13. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. Sweet, funny but utterly depressing account of growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution and war with Iraq. I shall be seeking out the second part ASAP.
  14. 1. I once bought Glen Michael a pint in The Western bar but polietly declined his offer to go halfers and share a lapdance. 2. I was kicked out of the ASDA in Govan for licking the actual World Cup trophy. 3. I once shot myself in the face, suffering only shaky teeth, cut lips and a broken nose. 4. I stood beside actress Julia Stiles on the Circle Line one evening and could only offer up 'Nice Hair' to her when she acknowledged my staring. 5. When I make shit up I always ensure it contains a small element of truth so as to be convincing.
  15. My comeback is pencilled in for my detox month in January. Gaz is my inspiration. I was performing better than he was when I jacked it in but he's shown me the strides I should have been making (whilst I've sat on my arse for the last 6 months cursing running). The Marathon this year pushed me over the edge but I'm getting a desire to go running again A 40 minute 10K by the end of next year is my goal.
  16. DJ Chapsticks EDIT: He's not all cool. His bestest most favourite movie of all time is Ghost.
  17. Last thing I've watched that's made me gentley weep. A must see.
  18. XBL...heavy shit...not needing a computer to tell him that......must resist.......
  19. I'm sure I heard Nick Fury get a name check during the Hulk. Avengers, New Avengers or a mix of both?
  20. The Hulk 6.5/10 The one with Edward Norton. It's alright. At least there is no Father subtext bollocks and the CGI is far superior. I reckon they should dispense with love interests in these movies as Liv Tyler is gash at best. Best bit is Now that Marvel have their own studio and are in complete control of their own movie adaptations I feel we are going to see loads more cross overs such as the scene with Tony Stark at the end of this movie. Little adverts for the next movie to get the fanboys frothing. It's still a bit too Frankenstein for me, I'd prefer more "Hulk Smash" action.
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