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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. I managed a nice gentle 60 min run yesterday. 6.09 miles. My knee has given me no pain so the gym work seems to have helped greatly. Baby steps at the moment but I'm feeling great about it.
  2. You could tell from his persona on the pitch. Eddie May built a team of 'nice guys', too nice to stay up.
  3. I thought he was a regular starter at the beginning of the season. Can't say I've noticed him while watching the Football League show. But ultimately I'm thinking....who cares? He was half decent, but only half decent. I had bigger expectations to be honest, albeit not a Burton O'Brien letdown.
  4. The fact he was using playing budget to keep Lee Bullen in a job suggests this one has legs.
  5. A classy site that I myself have been featured on Nice article.
  6. Dates are filling up fast. Looks like the only dates left are: 12, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30 (all August)
  7. Re: Not liking being proven wrong. I'm sure there are a few Falkirk fans waiting for us to hit a 3 game losing streak.
  8. Probably true given you track record. Your track record: Perhaps we'll see Greenock boy Millar at the Krankiedome, wearing some St Mirren merchandise. That would put the seal on things. My brain hurts.
  9. There will be no add-ons with Higgy. Add-ons and clauses are discussed when the selling club hold all the cards, as we did with Arfield and Wallace. We were in no position to bargain effectively over a player Huddersfield could have picked up for nowt in the summer. This will be a straight forward, cash only transaction (nowhere near £300K either).
  10. Skyline Drifter has the bit between his teeth over our finances. The man demands answers dammit!
  11. He's a free agent so the deal could be concluded today, tomorrow.....
  12. Given the way our finances have been conducted recently, cup monies are now papering over the cracks made by some minor aspect such as a massive secret tax bill.
  13. I actively encourage you to escalate an attendence debate between Falkirk and Morton fans.
  14. It's a brave man who decides to come onto P&B and be a dickhead Morton fan. Fierce competition at the moment.
  15. This wasn't predictable. I've been itching to post the same as soon as YerMaw completed his quest. Beat me to it.
  16. The article on the Express website suggests £300K has been agreed but that it may spark a bidding auction. Suggests nothings been accepted 100%, especially if we are negotiating a loan back. It states Brighton are trying to tie the deal up before someone comes in with a higher bid i.e. nothing's been signed. Can you see Wallace signing with Brighton and missing the game on Sunday? If, as the article states, there are other interested Championship sides we could get lucky if Wallace doesn't agree a deal and plays a blinder on Sunday. If we then get him back for the rest of the season we've got a great deal, as he was probably away in the summer anyway.
  17. I have a physio appointment on Friday so I'll see what they say then. I'm hoping some advice and a few exercises to do and I'll be back out on the road in no time. I had some serious problems in my other knee in the past that I conquered. The pain is not as bad this time, I'm hopeful this is just a bit of damage from October that I should have seen to at the time. Thankfully I've been on my arse since then so I've not been doing any further damage to whatever it is.
  18. Alloa is deceptively hilly, be warned. Tonight was my first run since the Glasgow half. I wasn't sure if I should post in this thread or the Grown Men Do Cry thread. The knee pain I suffered 3 months ago during and after the race is still there. No running for me until I get it properly looked at.
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