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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. It works on all nanos. I'll be picking up an cheap old one from eBay when I have the funds.
  2. The Sports Kit is £20 Nano's are pricey but as I need to get my own I'll eventually look on eBay
  3. You need an iPod nano (eaither kind) The Nike+ sports kit (a transmitter to place in your shoe and a receiver to plug into the nano) You find a route you know to be one mile/km long to calibrate the device (by running the mile and also walking the mile, although it is pretty damn accuratly pre-calibrated already). You can set the iPod to record your performance over a set distance, time or calories burned. At various points you will get updates via your headphones (ie "3 miles complete" or "200m to go"). You can press the middle button at anytime to get an update on your performance. Alternatively you can go on a free run where you get no updates but it still records all your data etc. As well as creating specific playlists to help with your training (if you like to listen to music as you run) you can set a Powersong. This is the track that you know gives you that extra boost. If you feel you need it you press and hold the centre button and it will start. If you manage a milstone (fastest mile, longest run etc) Lance Armstrong or Paula Radcliffe congratualte you You record your data when you synch your iPod with iTunes. The run data is sent to your own page at Nike+. Your run is plotted out on a distance vs time graph and is broken down with indicators at every mile/km. It also plots if you used your powersong and you can see if you ran any faster. It's here that you can join and create challanges. For example, I joined the BUPA Edinburgh Great Run challenge and won a place in the race by finishing in the top 25 runners with the most miles. You can set yourself challenges as well ie Run 50 times on 2 months, run 10 times under x pace in a month etc It's up to you. When you win challenges you get little medals, trophies and race bibs (virtual of course) to view on your page. Now that I've typed that all out I feel right in the mood to get back into my running.
  4. I'm heading out for my first run since the marathon right now. Hopefully sweat out last night's food and alcohol excesses
  5. Enough spoiler rubbish. I can't see myself enjoying a Batman movie with Robin in it or one with David Tennent as The Riddler. Both characters seem like they would not sit well in the Batworld Nolan has constructed. I could see a Catwoman, I could see a Penguin, I could see a Poison Ivy, even the return of Scarecrow as a secondary villain. The Riddler died a death with Jim Carrey I think.
  6. Jim in slating populist choice shocker I thought it was fucking superb. There will be no more Joker until the franchise gets another revamp. I can't see anyone topping that version of the character. Ledger was quite stunning and well worth an oscar shout. Much like the shark in Jaws, if we had had more of Ledger's Joker it may have diluted the impact he made. Every time we see him we know something is going to happen. The Rachel character is still duff (can't fault Maggie Gyllenhaal for what she did with what she got to work with) although an improvement from Katie Holmes blank faced effort. Who'd have thought millions of people would be flocking to see a movie that touches on subjects such as function creep and the like. EDIT: May I add it's great to see a quality actor like Aaron Eckhart finally get a starring role he has deserved for a good few years now. The movie was as much about him as it was Batman 9/10 - I reserve the right to improve this mark on a second viewing (it was that good).
  7. Are you running round in circles? If so, stop and run the other way every so often. Running round and round a track in the one direction can eventually put strain on your joints. If you can get off the pavements and run on grass and tracks then do so, just watch for potholes and uneven surfaces. Concrete won't put you knees under any more stress than any other surface though, if you run properly. You are going to feel sore all over if you have just started and your joints will probably feel it the most. Once you have built up a bit of strength the pain will vanish. If it doesn't I'd get yourself down to the nearest specialist running shop. They can examine your gait (the way you run) and advise you on your posture and what trainers you may require. If anyone is suffering from sore legs and joints after a run and want to jump in the bath it might be doing more harm than good. Plunging inflammed muscle tissue and ligaments into hot water makes the recovery process last longer. Ideally, if you are going to have a bath to unwind (and it can help you relax and 'come down' after a run) run ice cold water over your legs and any other area that is suffering post-run. I'd say do that for a minimum of 5 mins if you can before running any bath. I still haven't managed a run since the marathon (except running for the train). Seeing that even Debbie has managed 5 miles might be the shame that I need to pull the gutties back on
  8. Echinacea (Echinacea) The pharmacological actions of echinacea are purported to include stimulation of the immune system, anti-inflammatory properties and anti-viral activities. Adverse reactions appear rare and mainly consist of allergic reactions. However, adverse reactions do occur, including cases of hepatitis. It has been recommended that echinacea should not be used in conjunction with other potentially hepatotoxic drugs, such as Methotrexate, or with immuno-suppressants such as Cyclosporin, nor be used for periods in excess of 8 weeks as it may compromise the immune system. HTH
  9. Good to see so many decide to pull the trainers on and go for a run. Now if I can just get myself to do the same.....
  10. Two tremendous times there. Superb and inspiring stuff
  11. Nice one. Username: thundrmonkey (no 'e'). Pulling on the gutties for the 1st time since the marathon tomorrow.
  12. These all sound good and fairly local. I fancy doing a 10K every month for the next year, get my weight and time down.
  13. Jesus they are grim. I still have a fair bit of weight to lose
  14. The thought of a 10K at the minute is doing nothing for me.
  15. Sadly we agree on a movie for once. Not sad that we agree, sad that it was an Indiana Jones movie.
  16. Indiana Jones and The Curse Of Lucas - 6/10 Good to see Ford making a good fist of his character but the story line and a lot of the script (and some of the acting) really relegate this into 4th place in the series. Disappointed
  17. I have read that the plastic pods (£4/5)you get are prone to breaking, falling off or popping open, thus losing your transmitter. You can get a pouch (£12/13) that attaches to your laces and the transmitter is placed in a zipped compartment that seems to fair much better. You can get both on Amazon. I have posted a link to a company that has produced an multi layered insole that you mould yourself. I think you remove the existing insole, heat the new insole up, insert the transmitter compartment into the insole and place in the shoe. It then moulds to the contours of your foot and once it has set you can place the transmitter in and place the top layer of insole on the top to keep the transmitter in place. This seems to be the best as the transmitter works better if it's striking the ground rather than dangling off your foot. I have no idea of the price (you may be better off trying running shops for soem Nike trainers as they always seem to have sales on at any given time) but I'll fish out the post for you. EDIT: Pouches I think Watty's your man IIRC. EDIT 2: Insoles Look like everyone's Garmin watches measured the Edinburgh Marathon out at 26.48 miles! I need to recalibrate my iPod as I recorded 25.80 miles!!! This means I was running further than I thought during my training.
  18. Official Results in the Evening News. My official time is 4:17:55 which I can't really complain at. PM me your name and approximate time if you can't wait for the results to go online at 12 tonight.
  19. She didn't look that fussed She has certainly been less than impressed that I can't run around at the back of her the last couple of days.
  20. That's bang on what I'd be looking to do 7.5 miles in (give or take a minute). No reason why, if you can get the mileage up, you couldn't contemplate a marathon in 5 or 6 months Superb stuff, I'm glad I started this thread as reading about you other guys has helped keep me motivated and focused. I'm genuinely glad to see everyone set themselves targets and acheive (and sometimes surpass) them!
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