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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Anyone running the Edinburgh BUPA Great 10K thing on Sunday? Expect to see plenty of Star Wars costumes as it's on May the 4th (not me though).
  2. I think they may have put 80,000 ballot places up immediately then initialy closed it. Then they re-opened the remaining places. For what reason I'm not sure? Very good. Now, jog on.
  3. There are still places in the ballot for next years London Marathon. I'd act fast if anyone is interested.
  4. http://ukrunners.com/ A fledgling but decent Nike+ orientated forum. Set's up different challenges to compete in every month. They seem a friendly bunch (as does everyone on this thread I hasten to add B) )
  5. Happy days. I've just earned a place in the BUPA Edinburgh 10K by finishing 14th on a Nike+ challenge
  6. That's awesome. I've dropped 17lbs since January and I'm looking to lose another 6 before the marathon.
  7. I recommenced running in January and was heading out for 2 miles at first. It was taking me about 20 mins. I luckily felt fine doing that so quickly upped the mileage but as Chingford says, listen to your body. If you feel as if you can comfortably go longer or faster then do it. If you feel like you are struggling drop it back a little. Just getting out even twice a week will soon reap benefits. I'm in no way the quickest runner in this thread or one who racks up the most miles but in a matter of 3 or 4 months you could be clocking 30+ miles a week like I am.
  8. Still sitting pretty in 14th place for both challenges. It's squeeky bum time though as miss a few miles and you are out of contention. Either I'm racking up some good mileage or the challenge is full of failures Has any of the Nike+ users reserved a place in August's Human Race 10K? I did but have got no idea what it's about. I suspect it's going to be an organised event in London but I suppose I'll find out when I get my confirmation email that needs to be acted on within 48hrs
  9. I can't commit to the months of training. It would be just my luck to get a place.
  10. My mate Jamie managed to get round in 4:53. Given he started training 10 weeks ago and couldn't get past 10 miles whilst training it was a good effort. He called fron 12 miles and the noise from the crowds was unbelievable. I'll get getting my name down in the ballot for 2010 but I can get a charity place if I wanted to commit to raising £1500.
  11. I've been listening to a lot of fantastic French shit today. I urge everyone to give the 4 CD French Touch Anthology a shot if you see it anywhere.
  12. Nah. I ran Edinburgh in 2003. It was always my intention to run another. I missed out on London in 2005 and entered Edinburgh instead, only to end up on crutches after injuring my knee. Since then it's been sporadic 10k races until now. The plan this time is to not stop running after the marathon in May
  13. 3 folk in my office have lost their Fathers this week. Not great at all.
  14. My mate Jamie is doing it. He was listening to me talking about Edinburgh and decided to take up his sister's offer of a place (she works for a charity). This was in Feb though and he has destroyed his knees trying to get in shape. He had previously ran the odd 10K (much like myself for the last 5 years). There was a possibility last week he was going to pull out and give his place to me but he's going to run and walk it with no specific time in mind. I'm due a 20 mile run at the weekend and would have happily added another 6 onto that if it meant running my 1st London Marathon. It's on my hitlist though, along with New York and Barcelona.
  15. Found this whilst browsing - Footbeds Now anyone can run with Nike+, regardless of their shoes. No idea about the price however. I have a question about the Sportsband though. I like entering a set distance on my nano and letting my feet take me wherever they want. Can I set the sportsband for say, 15 miles and get an update at halfway stage (as I get using the nano) so I know it's time to turn round and head home? I'm assuming it just has the same functionality as using the current system on basic mode ie it's up to you to keep an eye on miles, time etc Looks like, as I appreciate the updates I get via my headphones, I'll stick to what I have (which is a shame as I love gadgets). Perhaps after the marathon when I decide on what my regular running routes/distances are it may be worth investing in.
  16. DOH! I see Nikecoach goes live today as well. Looking forward to getting home and having a good rummage through it.
  17. Great! Mrs Monkey will get her nano back once I get one of these. I've read that they go round your arm. Round your wrist would be easier, no? EDIT: I stand corrected
  18. There has been no work for me to do today so I'm sat at my desk checking letters that our indian admin centre have composed
  19. That's a good effort, I was way behind that on Sunday with 16 miles in 2.5 hours. Still, it was a 10 minutes improvement over the same distance in a 2 week period. Just a gentle 2 miles planned for tonight as my hip is sore from last night's football and I'd rather not do anything to jepordise my training at this stage. 6 weeks on Sunday till the Edinburgh Marathon I think and I still have two 20 mile runs ahead of me (starting on Saturday)
  20. I watched a few recently: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 9/10. Indy4 canot come soon enough. All of Me - 8/10. The blueprint for Anchorman and Me, Myself and Irene. Steve Martin on fine form, even if it's a sweeter re-hash of The Man With Two Brains. Toy Story - 8/10. Big - 7/10. Hanks is great, Perkins is foxy
  21. Aye, I forgot to ask how it went. Sounds like a b*****d, a good b*****d though.
  22. 15th so far for Edinburgh, 9th for Manchester 16m run in the snow this morning, 20m next Saturday
  23. I forgot to add: Nike have 25 places each in the Edinburgh and Manchester BUPA 10k's up for grabs. To get a place you have to sign up to their challenges on the Nike+ site (there is a drop down menu on the Challenges section, they are under 'special events'). the top 25 runners get a place for running the most Km's until the end of the month. I doubt I've got a chance but some of you guys may be in with a shout if you fancy it.
  24. My splita are all over the place. I've got a nice 7 mile tempo run tonight follwed up with a 16 mile run on Sunday as well. My last 16 mile was up and down some serious hill (hence the varying splits) so I'll need to hit the canal which comes with it's own drawbacks (Bikes, Dogs, Walkers)
  25. Trees and hills and shit won't affect the Nike+ system because there is no satellites involved. I'm not sure about some of the fancier Garmin devices that use GPRS but the Nike+ communicates only between your shoe and your iPod transmitter. I find that plotting a run on a map and sticking to it to cover my distance is slavery. I'd rather plug in my iPod and go for a wander. I wouldn't based my training round it if I was looking for gold at the Olympics but I'm not..and it's great.
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