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Everything posted by K.T

  1. Why would we play god save the king? Is this a thing they’re making football clubs do now? This North Korea style forced mourning pish has done my heed in. I was ready to slit my wrists on Saturday after the 5th time of hearing Sting’s Fields of Gold across various radio stations - including Kerrang ffs. thank you
  2. Just saw Roy Keane in St Andrews. Interviewing for the United job, imo.
  3. First they steal our money, now they steal our Friday night plans
  4. I’m sure the royal family will take great comfort that second tier Scottish football clubs won’t be playing a game of football. Ffs. The U.K. is full of lunatics.
  5. Piss take if so. What percentage of football fans in Scotland give a f**k about the monarchy? Apart from Rangers.
  6. I’m going to see Machine Head in Dundee tonight. What was the deal at the other gigs? Any support bands or just a couple hours of them banging out tunes? What time did they go on?
  7. Lovely view of Zach’s goal taken from the stands on the official socials. Didn’t realise Ric Flair sat in the Bobby Cox either.
  8. Nothing personal to cove, but I hope we take ten off you just to humiliate McIntyre.
  9. I’m sure it will. tbh I’m glad the club have put it in an accessible location where the average fan can see it and not hidden away in hospitality lounges. Not every club has achieved these things, so should rightly be displayed for us.
  10. I thought Queen’s Park were looking the more likely to score in the opening 20 but I don’t really recall Sharp having to make a save.
  11. Today was the first time I’ve noticed we have the 1962 league winning flag displayed in the Bobby Cox stand. Seems a mental place to put it in a depressing concrete enclosure surrounded by ducting. Lovely piece of footballing history though. thank you
  12. Really want to see it again. At the game it was a “What the fucks he doinFUUUUUCKING HELLL!!!!” Reaction
  13. It was ridiculous they seemed to take ages to get him on a stretcher. Thought the poor b*****d was going to have to hop from the Derry round the pitch.
  14. I need to see Robinson’s second from today again. Oh ya fucker! I’ve enjoyed every game this season, even when we’ve lost. Been good entertainment! Looked a lot better today and we should be trying to get Robinson signed up permanently! Hope Rudden isn’t badly injured. Didn’t see what happened to him? Looked like he’d hurt his foot about 5mins earlier too.
  15. I hope bowyer doesn’t get binned before he has time to build his own squad. Feels like this season is going to be a slog and January window is notoriously pish for players. I’d give him next summer as well even if we don’t go up. It feels like the board don’t want promotion this year seeing as they blamed last years relegation by being in the top flight too soon. Bowyer also mentioned aiming for the playoffs when he joined didn’t he?
  16. Not even a rumour. Would be shite just ending up with some loans
  17. Remember Bowyer saying he hates deadline day and likes to get all his business done well in advance. welcome to Dundee, Gary! Get the cans of monster doon ye.
  18. I know you’re not used to seeing fans down there in the seaside leagues but there’s more than 2 of us who go to Dens.
  19. Imagine Jack Ross ends up at another struggling top flight club and gets a victory that relegates the dabs.
  20. He did what all good dundee supporters would do
  21. He’s also got that golf course outside St Andrews to deal with. Two money pits 13 miles apart. Not a very good businessman imo. thank you.
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