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Everything posted by CLANCY2KTID

  1. He's fairly good, blows hot and cold but most wingers do. I'd happily welcome him back, don't think he'd come to us now we have a 3G pitch given his injury history.
  2. Is it possible to download a new exodus just now when tvaddons is down?
  3. Stonehouse, I'm led to believe, is the only town Scotland that has it written into the town charter that there is never to be chapel built within the town boundaries. Larkhall gets a bad press but actually has a Celtic Supporters Club. The wee town next door is hell of a lot worse. When I worked there, it was a regular occurrence to be asked if one was a "left footer" before being allowed access to people's house.
  4. Glad to know I'm not the only one mate. Got it again on Saturday there, the old "good to yourself aren't you? Don't worry I'll make sure the kids have a good day tomorrow when your lying about all day dying" was aired again. To be fair to her, she did. And I got to suffer in peace. Win/win really.
  5. To do with "Project Brave" or whatever its called, it's all about youth academy set-ups. We need certain facilities to achieve the highest status.
  6. Just doesn't like me to enjoy myself too much. Only started after we had kids to be honest. Think she thinks I'm ripping the piss if I'm out instead being at home with the kids. Tbf most of my married mates are the same. We all get grief for enjoying ourselves.
  7. Her bit on the side must be a shite ride at least, she only goes out about once a year.
  8. Regular occurrence here that one. Also whenever I go out with mates I need to draw up some kind of schedule of where I'm going & when I'll be back, heaven forbid I stay on an extra half an hour. She's goes out, I'll ask where or maybe when she'll be back and it's the whole "can I not just go out and enjoy myself once in a while? I'll be back when I'm back". If I was to give her an answer like that I'm pretty sure it'd get a lovely warm response.
  9. Clancy - "what's wrong with you?" Mrs Clancy - "nothing" Clancy - "you sure?" Mrs Clancy - "I SAID NOTH-ING" Oh shit here, here we go again.
  10. Boyce won't happen, I think we all know that. The guy that told me about Gardyne is usually spot on though, must be some truth in that we've at least enquired about him or something for it to be brought to his attention.
  11. You'll probably knowhis circumstances better than me, I'm only going by what I'd heard, not saying it's 100% but time will tell.
  12. Nothing confirmed yet anyway but I'd be happy to give him another chance. I thought he did ok the last time, although I was definitely in the minority.
  13. I have heard Michael Gardyne is apparently coming back. Boyd in the past has claimed he's the best supporting striker he's played with.
  14. I've heard were apparently signing Gardyne again. I'm in the minority, but I liked him last time he was here. Can he still do a job? Can't say he overly flourished in any of our games against you last season.
  15. If I had been boycotting I think I'd want him out of the picture completely before I returned but the general consensus is that most will be returning. Certainly a good few on Kickback are pledging to to buy season tickets again with a few already having done so. The thing is, when you fall out of the swing of going to the football, I fear it'd be hard to pick back up once you've found other ways to spend your weekend but I hope to proved wrong.
  16. Has stepped down from the board and resigned as company secretary. Still joint majority shareholder though, that'll remain the case until he gets an offer for his shares that Jamie Moffat finds acceptable.
  17. I mostly liked that 3-parter but felt let down by the ending. Very reminiscent of the horrible James Cordon "loving his son" ending in Closing Time.
  18. A*r fans thinking that you'd need be as good as Barcelona to win the Scottish League Cup . Explains your massive lack of success over the years. Minter.
  19. No mate, there's too many pictures like this in here, the soap dodgers never have and never will win the likes. HTH
  20. Does "licklist" refer to Windows in any way?
  21. I'm 5'11" and my wife is 5' I wouldn't want a taller other half either. My best mates wife is the same height as him and when she puts heels on towers above him. Looks daunting.
  22. Neighbours moaning because I currently have two cars and two vans but only enough room for two at a time on the driveway. Worn torn Syria where my neighbours houses have been destroyed by bombs would give me room for my fleet. Can but dream.
  23. Does she have the mental capacity for two separate thoughts?
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