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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Jinkies, I'd hope not! Imagine the mess of that. Who would have thought, eh?
  2. That's going to happen no matter what, you _know_ what Scottish football supporters can be like. Do you know if they are being given anonymity?
  3. I just can't imagine they would be able to remain anonymous. Not only would the Scottish media go on a hunt you'd have certain supporters claiming a conspiracy if they weren't told who they were. Timing is the reason I mentioned it. I know it's only Thursday, but I thought both parties had an idea of who they'd put forward - maybe I picked that up wrongly. There is still the haggling over the 3rd member of course.
  4. So if I could side step the broken sewer pipe that seems to have flooded the floor of this thread, and to maybe move the debate on from repeating the same tired old broken arguments, does anyone have any ideas of what is going on with the arbitration process? I get it's in private, but has there been representatives put forward by the parties yet and if so do we know who they are?
  5. They've had a couple of great seasons. It's utterly frustrating seeing teams like Livi and the farmers punching above their weight while we meander around the relegation slots. I mean fair play to them, but it would be nice to see us properly "kick on" because we have the club structure to do that.
  6. I've not followed other teams that closely, but I'm surprised Livi are at that level.
  7. I suppose the one "positive" thing about having a smaller squad is that other teams are in the same position as we are. It's not like we are losing ground, more that the whole league is downsizing.
  8. Just think of the hilarity if what ultimately hammers successful businesswoman Ann Budge was her insistence that the clubs repeatedly voted on reconstruction (and failed, of course).
  9. Thanks, so not the same as the Scottish situation then. Go away piss poor troll.
  10. Got a link to the actual ruling, be interesting to see their wording.
  11. Just saying perhaps people should wait for the official ruling rather than taking the word of a single twitter account who is claiming this exclusive in order to increase their Patreon subs.
  12. Must be our Gillingham connection working again. I'll be honest, while I reckon he'd be a decent addition, there is no way we could match his wages so if another club comes in for him I'd expect him to go there.
  13. Left back and Centre Half for me, and perhaps a loan player who can cover those positions too.
  14. There are none so blind as those who won't see. Cherry picking an article rather than reading the full guidelines weakens whatever case you are trying to make. Your team were relegated because you were the worst team in the league, in every single metric you wish to use. Trying to claim, partially through hindsight, that games could have or should have been played out is just not a defensible argument. You know this, and are clearly here just to noise people up. It's failing though, you are just looking a bit daft, that's all. Fair play to anyone willing to pick up and run with your weak bait, not for me though.
  15. Whoever this new account is, they really should just read through the most recent 300 odd pages of this thread rather than trotting out the same tired old "but, what if'.." scenarios as they've all been easily debunked already.
  16. I'd be more keen to see them pay the costs of United, Rovers and Cove. After all they have been dragged into this without doing anything wrong. I get the reasoning put forward, but that's basically the risks Hearts/Partick took going down the route they have.
  17. For what it's worth, that's my thinking on the matter - and has been from the start pretty much. The SPFL certainly didn't cover themselves in glory in how they went about the initial vote leaving many questions hanging, but from that point on they have looked to follow the letter of the law at every step (hence the multiple chances for reconstruction votes). In terms of outcome I do differ slightly in that I feel some nominal compensation will be paid out, but certainly nowhere near the original estimates successful businesswoman Ann Budge was heralding and a world away from the latter claims. I'd be utterly shocked if their relegations were in some way reversed.
  18. Thanks, you are right, I did not realise these were two different players.
  19. Demonstrating your point quite well, you have to say! Interesting that the write up for Sheron is almost the same as it was for Rose. Hard working, energetic, his preferred position is a DM but can fill in at CB or RB. At 22 though, my only concern would be how well he reads the game. Not that age guarantees you do that better, for that sort of position I'd maybe prefer to see someone with a little more experience. Still if Goodwin thinks he's worth a shot, I'm certainly not going to argue with him.
  20. An exception to the rule, simply proves the rule. In general Sportsound is surprisingly myopic. At times you'd forget there are 42 clubs in the league the way they focus on just a few.
  21. I think we've already given it more thought than is needed.
  22. They very well might. That said, I'm not the one assuming their gender if you want to play "woke bingo" ..
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