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    Cumnock Juniors

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  1. Thomas Orr 27 year old striker, Stranraer to Cumnock
  2. Stevie Farrell, when manager of Cumnock played him at left back against Kilbirnie,Cumnock conceded 8 goals that day and I blamed him for 5 of the goals.
  3. Not a bit upset, best team won no probs. Fud and Fanny spring to mind
  4. Aye but he was sitting on the couch anyway on or off
  5. Glenmuir you don’t half talk some pish, was Greenock too far for you to go and watch your beloved Glens
  6. Sorry to disappoint you Casper, I’ve been to Beechwood a few times when Cumnock haven’t had a game.
  7. Just a thought but is there any particular reason for Cumnock, Talbot and Glenafton, three teams only separated by six miles all being away from home at the same time, this has been the case for all fixtures so far this season and all being at home on the same day. Thinking about the supporters who for whatever reasons don’t travel too far for away games and don’t have the opportunity to see a local game on a Saturday
  8. Well there is nothing factual in any of your post
  9. Watched him all season and i know football is all about opinions. He’s decent but very inconsistent, first touch is not very good but then he turns up with a wonder goal. £20000, I know who won a watch there
  10. Just confirmed what I thought, Tony McNally doesn’t know much about football.
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