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Deanburn Dave

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Posts posted by Deanburn Dave

  1. 0-0 at halftime.     Two very even teams. Chances fairly even.

    BU with a back 3 in a 3-1-4-2 formation.

    Most annoying thing is both assistant referees have been awful as they are spending all their time looking at the referee to see what he is giving .  So they have missed the ball going out 4 times in 45 minutes.  

  2. Fixture update from BU Facebook.

    2nd March at 3pm Gala FR v BU

    Tues/Wed 5/6 March at 7:45 LL Cup at either Broomhill or East Kilbride (The winners of the game play in the semi final on 12/13 March)


    And the Derby game..........March 23 at 3pm Linlithgow Rose v BU

  3. 51 minutes ago, Nicholas Rage said:

    Also a lack of interest in the competition 

    Have heard that from a few fans. A 16 team cup competition against teams you play twice a season will struggle to generate a lot of interest.


  4. 2-0 at halftime.  Apart from an early scare when we lost possession and a Gretna player 1 yard from an empty net stood on the ball rather than sweep it into the empty net the Gretna chances have been few.   The BU playing a back 3 in a very fluid formation which could be a 3-2-4-1.

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