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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Being annoyed for hitting it down the middle, Jesus Christ.
  2. He's already scored more than Reilly managed last season and we're no even into August.
  3. Jesus Christ, you two really are a couple of whinging little c***s, aren't you?
  4. Not long after we signed Higgy, a few Thistle fans said his best position was sitting just in front of the midfield and in behind the striker(s). A possible front line could be Smith Higgy Cardle - Wedderburn - Shiels - Paton
  5. Might be wrong here, but I'm sure this came up a couple of months back and a Morton fan pointed out he still had a year on his contract. Might be thinking of someone else though.
  6. How did that come about again? I really liked him at Dunfermline and as someone said earlier, he was part of one of the most exciting Pars sides in recent years, although he gave the finger to our fans on at least two occasions I can remember.. one of which was after scoring a penalty after he'd taken nothing but abuse for the whole game. I'm sure the second time was in a 2-0 defeat at Partick Thistle, which I'm sure was also his last Pars game.
  7. Haven't been on this thread in a while but I sincerely hope you've all torn into the Weetabix advert done in the style of David and Goliath, where the wee p***k goes "fee fi fo fix, I've just 'ad my Weetabix." The wee c**t has single-handedly convinced me to never buy Weetabix ever again.
  8. I think he looks - and plays - like Patrick Vieira with that haircut tbh.
  9. In that case, it's actually far more believable than the likes of James Bond. Regarding Bond, I've always been slightly bugged by how there's no attempt to make them look even slightly similar, and like you say, the audience is just forced to pretend it's the exact same person. Thanks for clearing up [emoji4]
  10. Genuine question here.. I've never watched Doctor Who as I think the vast majority of things sci-fi related are utter shite, however I am a bit confused as to how the persona has changed from male to female. As far as I'm aware (and I might be completely wrong here), Doctor Who is similar to James Bond, i.e. it's the same 'person' for the entire series, they just have to change the actor every now and then?
  11. That was Lochead? I called him Splaine since he came on.
  12. Just catching up on the last few pages of this thread. Patrick Vieira
  13. We had an unbeaten preseason in 2014/15, and went on to finish 7th in League One. It counts for next to f**k all.
  14. Booed off the pitch at half time, not that a portion of our fans are perma-raging arseholes or anything.
  15. Only saw him for 45 minutes in a friendly but Splaine looks like he could be a bigger player for us than I initially thought. He was getting stuck in and could be an importance presence in midfield. Looked a bit rusty with his first touch and seemed to take a bit longer than you'd like at times, but that's to be expected at this stage.
  16. Lapping up another team's pre-season friendly result is rather desperate.
  17. Absolutely fucking gorgeous. The new kit is quite smart too.
  18. Quite happy with a Champions League finish tbh. FAO RosspCfc; https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=still+game+gifs&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB725GB725&hl=en-GB&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil2ZHtsc3UAhXqKcAKHTWZDjcQ_AUICSgB&biw=768&bih=909#imgrc=FaXe1Z6m_LGoZM:
  19. "It's Isa" "Ughhhh" "Wae sandwiches" "Wheeeyyyyy!"
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