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Everything posted by smpar

  1. WID. WID. WID. All day fucking long, wid. She could be the most annoying fucker on the planet, but she's a 100% categorical fucking WID. Wid.
  2. Sad news about DeeDee. I often get a bit mixed up with some of the Dundee posters, but like others have said, he always had some wild stories to tell on GN. Devastating for his young family.
  3. I can't see him resigning unless we're absolutely goosed. It would be bizarre for him to walk away before Christmas without any sign of a fight.
  4. I don't know if there is a definite 'tipping point' for AJ, but he is under a bit of pressure. Everyone recognises that we should be doing a lot better than we are given our (suspected) budget and with our squad which, on paper, is better than we've shown. This week's game at Dumbarton is a big one, however, and the fans will lose patience. If we win then things could look a bit more promising and the pressure will ease on him. As said above, it might be the case that we just aren't in a position to be sacking and hiring management staff.
  5. People who don't know the difference between "it's" and "its."
  6. On a packed train with dozens of people having to stand in aisles and end of carriages. I can see at least 4 folk sitting IN BETWEEN 2 seats, bags on spare seats etc. People like that should get 15 years in a Turkish prison.
  7. Nice to see the Old Firm has lost its 'shine' after just the second game of the season. Not nearly as much point scoring etc as there was last month.
  8. Credit to McCall, he'll be on very limited resources compared to the vast majority of teams in the league but he looks to be making the most of it.
  9. Gone to the pub in between classes, asked the boy at the bar if they have a jukebox. They use something called "Secret DJ", you've to download an app and choose songs from the world's most limited jukebox. c***s.
  10. Thought I was missing something there
  11. Against Shug? But aye you're right, seeing both of them back would be great. Wasn't Shug posing with the rest of the crew during the build up to the new series? That new episode sounds really good, should get a few laughs with Navid in the Clansman and Boaby in the shop. ETA: got a feeling something along the lines of the PlayStation and/or rapper music will be mentioned in Jack and Victor's marriage advice.
  12. I haven't slept too well recently so I'm having a wee dram or two before bed. Grouse. Nae ice or water. Should sleep fine the night.
  13. McMillan to score the winner on Saturday and do a Robbie Fowler celebration..
  14. Without being pedantic, he got her up the duff during Kill Wullie (series 4). Even with the best part of 3 series being aired after that, there was no mention of Fergie's wean. Seems like we need to accept that not every previously shown character will get a mention. I doubt we'll see the likes of Bert, Mrs Beg, Ronnie the looney or Wullie McIntosh etc. If there's any of the non-recurring characters I'd love (and partly expect) to see again would be Edith.
  15. With the first few games, you could have (and I think we all did) put it down to a 'bad start', but we've yet to shake that off and really get started. Might be straw-clutching here, but one of the few 'positives' is that we haven't been pumped in terms of the scoreline in the league, we've lost 4 games by a one goal margin and should have done so much better than the games in which we've lost by 2 (Raith and United). We've got what we deserve so far this season, but we know that it's just not been good enough. It's up to Johnston to start making the right decisions tactically and with his team selection.
  16. I'm just hoping any Cowden, Rovers or Airdrie fan can pop along to this thread to let us know how the finances are going, haven't had an update for a while. Maybe even Wasps1 can let us know who we're signing in January.
  17. That Miller video would be mildly acceptable if it had been just a passing " 'Mon the Hoops/any other team" comment or something. But to follow, video and berate someone while they're trying to do their shopping is the mark of an absolute c**t. As for the Goram one, he (Goram) should have shoved a bookies pen into the boy's eye.
  18. Wedderburn didn't look like he was carrying any sort of injury during the warm-up on Saturday. Really hope either him or Herron start against Hibs.
  19. Williamson was an utter shitebag going forward on Saturday. Every time it looked like he was going to have to commit to a 50/50, he just completely stopped.
  20. That's nearly as good as Luis Suarez taking part in Say No To Racism campaigns.
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