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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Genuinely fucking furious Nick is in the winning team.
  2. Nick makes me feel violently ill.
  3. That’s a fair point. I hope there’s more to what McGlynn has said, it would be nice to hear some recognition of what a shit decision that was, but it wouldn’t be all that impressive to persist with the “we thought we could ride out the backlash for a day or two” stuff.
  4. “We didn’t realise how offended you were going to get about this” is a staple for any shitey, half-hearted apology. It’s the kind of pish influencers come out with when they’re called out for being racist or homophobic.
  5. Good spot. Wonder what he’ll bring to the club that McArthur didn’t. As you’ve pointed out, he has a different role to McArthur, looks like he comes with a bit more relevant experience than Ross had before stepping in.
  6. Didn’t realise the new chairman was a boyhood Pars fan, he is according to Alan Temple.
  7. My favourites type of racist. Those who only do it a wee bit.
  8. That could be quite dangerous. You’ve probably considered this but the club should do nothing of the sort without having her written consent first. I know she is already named in numerous sources, but she might not want that sort of attention on her. A good step would be for Raith to find out what she thinks would be a positive step in terms of public apologies/statements.
  9. Surely Ambrose will partner both Donaldson and Martin at some point, give us another couple of CB combinations, just in case we haven’t had enough this season.
  10. Wordle 230 3/6 [emoji834][emoji834] [emoji834] Gutted not to get a 2
  11. I also agree. I’m not accepting the “he’s just a football man through and through” as a reasonable excuse. Yes, McGlynn is clearly just a manager who loves football and will do whatever is in his power to succeed. Let’s not kid ourselves on, however, that he didn’t know who and what Goodwillie is and how this signing would be received. Quite how McGlynn thought that was an appropriate signing for a club he knows inside out is an extraordinary moral failing of his. It’s incredibly difficult to find out that someone you’ve idolised would demonstrate such abhorrent decision-making, and for that I empathise with the Rovers fans that you’ll want him to have that chance. For me, though, his position is untenable.
  12. Turns out all you selfish c***s knew about the new chairman all along, and there’s me acting like Sky Sports Breaking News.
  13. Akshay is shite but he’s an easy scapegoat by this point, if he gets brought back in he’s gone.
  14. “If they do, just tell them most people spell it that way anyway, so that makes it okay.”
  15. Sam the Scientist is one of the funniest characters I’ve ever seen.
  16. If the prison game doesn’t win there’s something seriously wrong.
  17. Do you mean you get the fear that we’re somehow involved with a former Clyde striker? If so, aye. Seriously though, whichever club/board even glances in his direction would be a fucking idiot of the most epic proportions.
  18. I think what most charities and organisations etc are doing these days is trying to educate people on defining and recognising rape and abuse. I think we’re stuck in a culture where many people would argue that if it’s not a woman being pinned down and aggressively forced in a dark alley by a grimy stranger, then it isn’t rape. Christ, even when a story like that does emerge, we hear far too many “asking for it” comments. As a society, we have come a long way in that regard, but when people excuse abuse because it didn’t go to a criminal court or they were in a relationship (amongst a plethora of other excuses people make), it shows we have a very long way to go.
  19. Unfortunately, I can guarantee a group of Pars fans will be at it for our next few games. It’ll be the same mob who gave it the “paedo” patter at Celtic park a couple of years back. They absolutely do not care about the issue itself, they just like to rub their noses in it. One of the things I love most about the football is the animosity that comes with rivalry. There’s nothing quite like a group of coked-up fannies flipping the Vickies to people 150 yards away and calling them all the scummy, bin-raker type insults you want. Chants about abuse, rape and exploitation need to be firmly tossed into the bin. Scumfermline Pathetic is another one.
  20. Paul Paton joins Graham Spiers in today’s “f**k me that’s a bad take.”
  21. Sky Sports reporter outside Stark’s not holding back: “he is a rapist.”
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