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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Aye but there’s hope from Pars fans that he’d take the chance on a full time gig in football. He has a great name at the club and if he’s passionate about football/Dunfermline then you could see why he’d be tempted. Obviously a substantial risk as well on his part though, so he’d need to think carefully about it. I’d be very surprised if it isn’t something he’s already thought about tbh.
  2. Hopefully get a bigger crowd for Morton at home. Would be good to give the players the message that the fans are behind them. Miracles won’t happen over night but I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see a nice enthusiastic attitude on Saturday. Not sure about Whittaker, but I can imagine Shields drilling a decent attitude into the players and wanting to get things improved immediately.
  3. How could I have forgotten about “see ye in another 15 year!” [emoji23]
  4. I agree with everything you’ve said here. The board have been clear that they don’t give a f**k what the fans think, and there’s definitely a sense that the more the fans want Grant gone, the more determined they are to keep him.
  5. Aye that’s a brilliant bit. I love the over-annunciation as he’s trying to portray himself as a reasonable gentleman. “Bobby escorted me from the premises.” Going to watch that episode now.
  6. Before the statement we drew 3 games and lost 1. The board cited conceding just 2 in 4 games as some kind of improvement. Since that howling statement we’ve drawn 3 games and lost 1. We’ve also conceded 7 in the last 4 games. That’s not improvement, it’s not even the same as previous form. We’ve actually regressed further. Get him punted. No fucking excuses.
  7. Got to be the final nail in Peter’s arrogant-as-f**k coffin.
  8. Hope Grant (good guy, not Peter) and his pals are too pished to let this ruin their day.
  9. Definitely still going to get the “difficult conditions” pish when we don’t win.
  10. Delighted to announce that Arbroath will still get at least a point here.
  11. Someone’s pointed it out on this thread before I’m sure but Still Game was excellent for that touching moment and then topping it off with a punchline. It was always done in a way that never cheapened or discredited the sensitive moment before, it’s actually pretty accurate of how we tend to deal with these moments in real life, perhaps a Scottish trait? “Besides, they diddies!” Now that I think about it, that episode has some of the finest moments of the entire series.
  12. Bet they'll be raging when they find out it's no us.
  13. You're forgetting the biggest adversity of them all; having an offside goal disallowed for being, well, offside. Really should have got a point that day, would have made our position far more glamorous.
  14. I honestly believe it doesn't matter what the fans do to demonstrate their frustration. The club explicitly referred to it in their statement, they are well aware how the fans feel, they're just doing f**k all about it because their own stubbornness and egocentric nature is their top priority.
  15. Would you believe me if I said I’d had this exact sentence typed out at the end of my post and though “nah, everyone knows that anyway!” [emoji23]
  16. I get your point, but I think it’s clear that the board don’t give two shiny shites what the fans think. I used to really believe that this Club cared about the fans*; we regularly give ourselves a self-satisfying pat on the back for being such a good wee community club. It feels far from that. I never thought I could feel so disconnected from this club before. *FWIW this was the case for a while, it’s just gone rapidly down hill in the matter of a few months.
  17. If we lose on Saturday then our last 4 games will have followed the exact same pattern of the 4 games that led to the “results need to change quickly” statement. I’m worried that even a point gives these arrogant wanks enough ammunition for a “results *have* improved” type attitude. A win will definitely justify keeping Grant as far as they’re concerned. Lose, though, and they don’t have a leg to stand on.
  18. Heard the “takes it up the arse” last time at Starks from our lot too. As others have said, there’s thousands of other funny songs/insults out there for the wind-up factor. Saw a cracking video the other day of West Ham and Spurs fans giving it “mon then” either side of a wall in the concourse. The wee door gets burst open and everyone still stands there doing f**k all to each other. Incredible behaviour. Every week please.
  19. I’m extremely confident that the board will be happy that we “nearly got three points” and do absolutely f**k all about the fact we haven’t won’t a league game yet.
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