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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Lewis Martin had the game if his career that day at Parkhead, I was mildly surprised Celtic didn’t take a punt on him off the back of that performance alone.
  2. As much as it would be a relief to get rid of the old duffer, it would be extremely frustrating to have to spent a substantial amount of money to get rid of someone who shouldn’t have been given the job in the first place.
  3. The Twitter page [emoji23] we got pumped but here’s some Jurassic take on the game, I’ve had a very good career.
  4. He needs to go. Don’t hang about and see if it works. Just get him punted.
  5. I must have missed the news about Andrew Considine’s death. RIP.
  6. He wasn’t always the highest quality of player but he did put in some impressive performances in unnatural positions. I know ‘pashion!!!’ posts aren’t the most popular on here (hiya, DA !) but he played with a lot of pride and resilience, and those are very endearing qualities to have for a player.
  7. Have you all fallen in love with James Craigen too? So easily done. Lovely boy.
  8. They’ll both f**k off to Germany, make a big name for themselves and then Chelsea will spend a total of around £200m buying them both back.
  9. Aye, that's definitely the redeeming quality for the Seven Kings. If folk are only bothered about getting a decent seat for the football, then aye - Seven Kings is your pub. If you're more fussed about being in a boozer with a bit of charm and uniqueness, then just about any other pub in the town will do. Except Wetherspoons, I really fucking hate that place.
  10. Is there a shite pub in Dunfermline town apart from Wetherspoons? Never been in Raffles and Coady’s is never really my first choice, but I happily drink in any of them. Seven Kings is distinctly average as well.
  11. Thirsty Kirsty’s. Only been in it a handful of times but always enjoyed it. Pool table, jukebox and cheapish pints. Haven’t been in post COVID right enough.
  12. I'd say Lourenzo's is better than the Seven Kings, which is a glorified Wetherspoons, though it has plenty TVs and booths with wee tellies in them. The Old Inn, the East Port and the Monarch are all better pubs but you might not always get a good seat for the TVs. The Old Inn could be busy as I'm sure I read it's reopening this week after getting done up.
  13. If there was ever a team destined for a 6th place finish in the Championship it’s Peter Grant’s Dunfermline [emoji7]
  14. FWIW I feel bad for him in a way, I start to think a bit more about the human behind the shite footballer and, as Gigi says, it’s not that he’s intentionally pish, he’s just playing at what looks to be way above his level. As he’s a pars player for now, I obviously want him to do well. It’s not as if I take pleasure in Pars players being shite.
  15. Aye he’s fucking gash. Even in the 11 minutes against the wee team he managed to have a potential howler, just got lucky there wasn’t a Rovers striker sniffing about.
  16. Not taking this well, are you? Being a complete and utter diddy club is not the same as a waterlogged pitch lol
  17. This has just popped up on my phone as I jumped back into the car.
  18. Another cracker. You can actually smell these incel forums. And they fucking reek.
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