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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Absolute NAP that Telfer picked Stenny vs Stranraer as his bust.
  2. I’d rather keep F Murray in the middle alongside McInroy, keep Dow on the right and have Turner in behind McManus. Failing that, the second lineup DAFC. posted would be absolutely fine. I just think we’ll get far more out of Turner in the attacking midfielder/sitting behind the striker role.
  3. Did that not make the girls feel extremely uncomfortable?
  4. Two of them had been opened and were clearly stale. The other, unopened packet had a bit of a crunch to them but the taste was a bit off. Had a few with a cup of tea but the rest got binned.
  5. I thought this was going to be about stuff you found that you'd forgotten about over lockdown. For me, it's 3 boxes of biscuits my girlfriend got last Christmas. Had to chuck them all out today, they were all out of date.
  6. I was more shocked that this thread hadn’t been touched since the 7th November.
  7. I don’t think you’re being provocative tbf. There’s a fairly substantial difference, however, in using race or skin colour to identify an unknown person, and picking race instead of a number of other distinguishing features to identify an individual out of a group of 4 people.
  8. Soup and a sandwich (not just slices of bread) is a delightful combination. Just a shame that a lot of middle class garden centre-type places tend to charge £24.80 for the privilege.
  9. Every set of fans has felt that early season hopelessness at one time or another, things must be pretty stale for Morton fans to be feeling that after half a dozen games.
  10. Not looking good at the PSG game. Ref went over and sent off an Istanbul coach, who is black. He repeatedly said to the 4th official “why say ‘n*gro?’” Play suspended as all the players walk off in protest. Didn’t realise the coach is Demba Ba.
  11. Looks like the Hearts game alone was enough to win Kyle Turner Pler of the Month for November. Crawford picks up YET ANOTHER Manager of the Month award.
  12. The difference being that these cartoon robots from a fictional series, who spontaneously combust after producing real tears, is still a more convincing and believable scenario than Matt Hancock crying and then, erm, laughing about it.
  13. Matt Hancock trying to cry on live TV at folk getting the vaccine. Get some psychoanalytical experts in here, they’ll have a fucking field day with that footage.
  14. Not the best weekend to be using homophobic language, if it’s true.
  15. I didn’t realise the sheer volume of tin foil hat-wearing weirdos were out there. I’m just assuming that the tracking chip mob are panicking that folk will now be able to trace their regular movements around local primary schools.
  16. Fucking bang on mate, where’s the straight laces campaign eh?! Clown. Get him binned.
  17. I came here to post about this. It’s dangerous as f**k, players really should be getting penalised for this (more often) otherwise some poor b*****d will end up with a broken neck or back.
  18. Owain Fôn Williams is always up for a bit of goalkeeping patter when it comes to clangers.
  19. Aye the Keddie “what’s that? The baw’s gonnae cross the line? f**k sake, someone should get it. Whit? I’ve to get it? f**k sake. Awch there’s the baw over the line there. f**k sake.” game was at home to Morton.
  20. What makes you think we settled for the draw? We didn’t exactly launch the centre halves forward in desperation but that would have been pretty careless. We were still trying to create chances and get bodies into the box.
  21. What part of the below post do you particularly disagree with?
  22. Maybe a dramatic statement but I get what you mean. The fans would have let the players know exactly how they felt had the game finished 2-0 to either team, but without the fans there they probably would have just trudged off but not actually been that bothered in comparison to 2000 people hounding them for being shite. I also thought if fans had been there we could well have gone on to scored a third, can imagine the home fans would have been silent and the atmosphere in the away end would have been immense. Could say the same for the game at 2-0 so it works both ways I suppose. I’m no even really making a point here, I just really fucking want to go to the football again.
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