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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Some guys take a black and white Union flag to Pars game. Always makes me seriously reconsider my football team when I see it.
  2. English people can call Scottish football tinpot all they like, but thankfully we will never have an actual football team called Hashtag United. Virginity levels must be through the fucking roof to actively support a team with a name like that.
  3. That flag, Christ. You deserve Lowland League football for that.
  4. Ker McInroy. Murray to follow? Impeccable timing from the club tbf.
  5. What makes a ‘bubble’ again? Does one of the households have to be one person or can a household of 2 meet another household of 2 indoors?
  6. Sorry, I mean extending for another 2 weeks.
  7. Restrictions on visits to other households is my guess. I’m saying 6 people max over 2 houses with a 2 weeks review.
  8. I'm well aware of that. I haven't claimed that it's a new excuse that I've just thought of using now. "I don't have anything on me" is just an example of a few things you could say. I agree with you to an extent here. No, the act of just being acknowledged won't pay for food, or give them a bed for the night. There are probably plenty rough sleepers who couldn't give a f**k if people speak to them or not, as long as they get some money. I do believe, however, that many people who are on the streets would rather that people simply acknowledged them in some way; it might help to feel a bit more humanised for example.
  9. Unless you can hear coins jingling in someone’s pocket, how is it ever ‘clear’ that someone has cash on them? I’m not trying to impress anyone. I haven’t regularly carried cash for long time now. The last time I did was to pay for a haircut where cash was the only option. It’s a fact that nearly everything can be paid for by card now, I’m sure you know that yourself. I merely believe it’s a bit kinder to acknowledge someone, especially when they’ve spoken to you, than to ignore them because you believe they aren’t worth a fraction of your attention. It was just a bit tough to watch a young woman - in what must be a pretty grim situation - begging on the street, asking the odd punter who walked past for change, and for nearly all of them to blatantly ignore her.
  10. That series Criminal has a new series on Netflix. Without spoiling it, one episode highlights the problematic nature with these vigilante group.
  11. Given how little people carry cash now, saying you don’t have change probably isn’t even a lie the majority of the time. Sitting in the street begging people for small change must already be a dehumanising position to be in, to have people ignoring you as if you’re not even there can’t help things. Again, politeness isn’t exactly going to help their situation, but it’s got to be better than being ignored by people who clearly know you’re there but choose to pretend you’re not.
  12. As I said in my original post, there can be a number of reasons to have money that you don’t give to someone on the street. Even if you do have change and choose not to give it, that’s up to you, you’re not obligated to give money to someone on the street. In my opinion, though, acknowledging their existence is a far better thing to do than to just ignore them, as you have no idea they’re there, which is blatantly not true.
  13. Interesting to see the Hibs Twitter feed reporting the Rangers goal as “pulling one back.” Do they know they’ve only scored once themselves?
  14. A simple “sorry, I don’t have change” doesn’t take much effort. It doesn’t put money in their pocket, but it recognises their existence as a human being. This was hardly on Buchanan Street; this was on a quiet enough street where you simply cannot know the person was there and spoke to you, and not saying anything to somebody unfortunate enough to be in that position is a choice of simply ignoring them.
  15. People who don’t even acknowledge homeless people/someone begging on the street. I’ve been standing outside a cafe waiting for a coffee for a few minutes, I’d say 20 people have walked by a woman who has asked every by-passer for change and only 2 or 3 have acknowledged her by saying they don’t have any change. It’s fine to not have change, or to have some and choose not to give it - there can be a number of reasons for that - but to not even acknowledge someone who’s already in a pretty degrading and dehumanising position is fucking poor behaviour.
  16. I was hoping he wasn’t going to get much of a look-in again and we’d be able to snatch him on loan. From a purely selfish point of view I’m gutted to see him doing well but genuinely pleased for him that he’s getting chance and taking it with Killie.
  17. I was bored out my tits last night and ended up looking for Pars quizzes on Sporcle. I gave this one a go, naming starting elevens from roughly a dozen random Pars games over the last 20 years or so. It didn’t occur to me until after that they’re all opening league fixtures, which would have helped to remember the specific games. https://www.sporcle.com/games/AndrewScottMuir/dunfermline-athletic-starting-xis
  18. I’d heard good things about Bowman last season but he isn’t looking too sharp. First game in 6 months doesn’t help obviously so I don’t want to be too critical.
  19. The glare off David Hopkirk’s teeth isn’t helping either.
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