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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Can someone please tell James Forrest the barbers are open again.
  2. At what point does naming a stand after someone start to lose its meaning? If we name one stand after Leishman/Paton, would we have to wait 3, 5 or 10 years before the other gets their turn?
  3. I genuinely think Kevin Nisbet will win the Champions League one day.
  4. Why is Man Utd keeper, David De Gea, tweeting a picture of Stuart Kettlewell?
  5. Cardle’s kicking on a bit now, and he’s getting stuck in with the coaching so I’ll happily wait patiently for him to retire and join as part of Josh Falkingham’s coaching team 2023/24 season.
  6. Imagine winning the FA Cup and making such a hoor or lifting the trophy.
  7. Barely watched any English football this season but Pepe looks like a bit of a diddy. But one of those diddies that manages to do some good things.
  8. Arguably a red but I can see why a yellow was given.
  9. He’s 40/1 for top goalscorer, with e/w being a quarter for 3 places I’ve deemed it worth a couple quid.
  10. Hibs are my second team now that Nisbet’s got the green and white on, and will continue to be my big team when the Championship starts in October. Pleased for him getting an assist, did he play well?
  11. I was starting to get into the spirit a lot more with new kits and signings etc. It’s amazing how much a few weeks without signings or even rumours dries up your appetite for the football. That’s not to say I’ve been particularly expecting anything or that I’m disappointed in any way, it’s just much easier to get the buzz when new players and rumours are flying about.
  12. Does anyone follow Crap 90s Football? It’s probably my favourite account on Twitter. There’s nothing so simple yet so hilarious in equals measures as professional footballers being so shit at football.
  13. A vaccine just in time for going to Starks, good timing haha.
  14. 2 secondary school pupils siting diagonally from one another having a secretive conversation. The teacher is monotonously delivering her lesson in the background and occasionally pauses to tell one of the pupils to shut up. Also, the teacher ignorantly embarrassing a socially outcast pupil who is going through a tough time. The rest of the class chuckle at the teacher’s sarcastic remarks.
  15. Think we still used McKane Park and had reserve games (and some training?) at Kelty?
  16. Harry McGuire claiming that awarding a penalty for a deliberate handball is soft because ‘it wasn’t exactly going in’ is an interesting way of announcing he doesn’t know the rules of the game.
  17. Terrifying to think what our healthcare system will be like in a few years. Also terrifying to think that Tory voters will justify this with flag emojis and claiming that Corbyn would have sold the NHS anyway.
  18. Gabby McGill is this year’s jobber. Destined to be an apprentice joiner by 2023.
  19. What you’re saying he is our new designated ‘keep the ball in the corner and fight off 3 wee team players in stoppage time?’
  20. I mind he was a bawhair away from a meltdown at a Boxing Day game, 2016 I think. We won a relatively soft penalty for handball which Rhys McCabe scored.
  21. At least you’d get a laugh at Finchy. Despite the hideously grim nature of his humour, your time around him would be relatively entertaining, even if you find it hard to resonate or even agree with anything he says. Lee, on the other hand, is a dull-as-dishwater bigot who would bore the arse off you with lazy misogynistic or cultural stereotypes. Hanging around with Lee would be agonisingly awkward as you’ll share no common ground with him unless you’re a knuckle-dragging moron. You can guarantee Tim wasn’t the first or last person who was lost for a topic of small talk in which to engage just to disperse the awkward silence due to the fact that he’s a boring tosspot with little interest in anything or anybody except himself. For that reason, Lee edges it as the worst character.
  22. Is Ozark worth sticking with? I got about half way through but haven’t watched it in a few weeks now.
  23. The main reason I’m so desperate for the football to come back is that I’m haunted by the fact that a shitey, scrappy, offside, last-minute equaliser from Brian fucking Graham is the last goal I saw.
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