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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Amy McDonald saying she’s “sick of clubs” doing this. She says there’s no reason we can’t extend contracts for a month and furlough them. Someone made a good point that that wouldn’t be the best idea since training could resume within a month or two, meaning staff can’t continue to be furloughed. Tough but good decision by the club.
  2. The wee team are always fucking desperate for us to be skint. Their greatest ever achievement is Dunfermline going into admin. Extremely small-time behaviour.
  3. Is there any likelihood at all that any of these players could be signed again* when the club has incoming cash again? Or is that legally not an option? *obviously providing they haven’t been signed up elsewhere. FWIW I’d have really wanted to keep Thomson, wish we’d kept Beadling, and would have preferred to keep Ashcroft.
  4. Assuming this season goes ahead, Hearts will fucking stroll this league easier than they did in 2015.
  5. His last 3 tweets/retweets are Pars memories. Make it happen.
  6. I don't think there's a single thing in the entire world lacking imagination or individuality more than the modern-day footballer's nickname. 'Smithy', 'Jonesy' and 'Pates' aren't nicknames, they're just people's surnames with an added or removed syllable.
  7. Red shorts as well it seems. This has potential to be very nice or an absolute shocker.
  8. Really like it, black shorts would have made it much nicer. I’ll probably get the top.
  9. The drama director and the therapist were by far my two least favourite characters. I think part of it with the director is that I could only see him as the arrogant twat of a caretaker in Derek, but the therapist character became ridiculous and annoying. For a start, why the f**k would they keep paying him after all the inappropriate and unprofessional - not to mention disgracefully unhelpful to people in dire need of professional help - shite that he talked about. He wasn’t quite as bad in series one, where he was merely bored and therefore unhelpful, but I couldn’t bare his scenes in series two.
  10. Since that game I’ve liked to tell myself we’d have gone on to get the absolute scudding we expected if we went 1-0 up in the first half.
  11. Dom Thomas and Kevin Nisbet changing their Twitter profile pictures to photos of them in Dunfermline kits is perhaps a positive in these bleak times.
  12. I’m still in a group chat with folk I used to work with, some of them are support workers, working with vulnerable people - most of them old and/or ill. Two of them are talking about how they’ve had a bit of a temperature, developed a wee cough and haven’t been feeling too great. They’re still going to work. I’m fucking furious. These people are a massive part of the problem.
  13. Just walked past a beauty salon opening its shutters.
  14. I don’t get the “how will the police know if it’s my first, second or third jog of the day?” comments. Why is it that many people’s instant reaction to authoritative measure to be ‘how can I get around this one?’ It’s staggering to think of the number of people who will genuinely go out for a second walk, for no other reason than to ‘outwit’ the polis.
  15. I saw a screenshot from SkyBet’s prices on Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway. Unfortunately I’m not joking.
  16. The wee old dear who does the cleaning at my work fucking loves a bit of weather-related small talk. If there’s been a silver lining to this pandemic, it’s given her something different to talk about, in what I imagine to be around 47 years.
  17. Walkie Talkies to get a chant started? Copy fellow Par let’s get this going.
  18. Pars Twitter asking us to name 44 grounds that we have visited over the last 18 years or so. There was 4 I didn’t get.
  19. I disagree. Would have been pretty daft to sell him so late on in the window, without a replacement signing lined up and without suitable backup in the squad.
  20. Tbh I don’t blame OFW for not staying down. Imagine the pelters he’d have got if he did and the goal stood anyway? The referee bottled, nobody else’s fault.
  21. I didn’t notice the deflection off Bannigan’s arm for Murray’s goal. Obviously doesn’t matter now, but shouldn’t he have been booked for a deliberate handball, even though the ball went in? Probably wrong but I thought that was the law when a player deliberately handles it even when a goal is scored. EDIT: aye, should have been booked. “handles the ball in an attempt to score a goal (whether or not the attempt is successful) or in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent a goal”
  22. Two guys brushed shoulders as they walked past each other. Thistle fan started with the “what the f**k are you doing?” patter and the Pars fan reciprocated. Seemed like an incredible battle of wits to see who’d shite it and walk away first.
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