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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Agree with this until the sentiment of the last sentence. The 17 Dunfermline players who didn’t have their contracts renewed were probably earning around the nation’s average wage, some over it some under it. You knew this though. You don’t need to force yourself to not feel sorry for footballers (especially at this level) going without a wage for a few months because you perceive these guys to be insanely rich people who can easily go without income for an uncertain period of time. I’m also not so sure about the “didn’t do anything since signing for the club” claim. You’re clearly just assuming this as there’s no way you can actually know this?
  2. Coronavirus-related smalltalk is (going to be) fucking agonising. I really, really cannot be arsed with it. From now until Christmas is going to be the worst of it; every barber, pub, shop, cafe and every other stranger you ever talk to is going to be full of tedious shite you’ve already heard from the last w****r you had the misfortune of speaking to. I’ve already had it twice in the last 24 hours, and that’s with minimal interaction with strangers. I’m fucking dreading it.
  3. First time I've heard an over-hit pass described as "using the wrong paint brush." Hope it's the last, too.
  4. Enigma records the entire 5 hour episode of Sky Sports News when Raith get a mention.
  5. Wraggy! I was not advocating the use of drugs!
  6. I did a tour of Jefferson’s Monticello a few years ago, seeing a signpost for “upstairs/downstairs” was the most entertaining part of the whole tour.
  7. Aye, it is pretty creepy. It’s also consistent with Brent’s absolute need to be liked/wanted by someone, not necessarily sexual (I’m even sounding like Brent here) but just for somebody to be impressed and charmed by him. At least the predatory tendencies seem to stop there, even in the club when pished he’s just trying to be impressive and desperate for validation.
  8. Very fitting for the absolute freakshow of a year that is 2020, Lyndon Dykes is trending on Twitter and Kpop fans are really angry about his name, as if a family somewhere very recently chose a homophobic slur as their name. No, I don’t know either.
  9. Is your name David? Oh for f.. yes!
  10. That’s a metaphor, I’d never pay for it.
  11. As funny as it is, I never really ‘got’ those wee scenes. Is the point just that it’s a wee old guy utterly perplexed at seeing TV cameras in the office and he doesn’t know how to handle it?
  12. What do you suppose you’d find in Brent’s house?
  13. Probably when he became a manager. Assuming he knew people like Finchy before being in the position he’s in, a good word was probably put in when his predecessor’s position became available. The camera presence definitely inflated his ego and delusions, though. The way he talks about the newspaper coming in to interview him and being asked to give motivational speeches is how you can imagine him going about when the documentary was about to start.
  14. “They’re all the same, we’re fucked either way” is sadly the attitude of millions.
  15. I hope more footballers (and others with a high profile) have realised what an influence they can have on the issues important to them and the rest of the country. I’m all for taking the piss out of the uselessness of the Labour Party at the moment, but let’s not pretend that the rareness of a young PL footballer getting so openly political isn’t a huge contributor to the u-turn. To a large portion of the population, politics is just politics and it seems a bit like an endless game of cat and mouse, which is why Starmer and Labour MPs fighting for FSM wasn’t effective in the first place (as well as their weak-as-piss opposition to the Tories). Interesting to see if Labour use this to their advantage to try and get Rashford on board to actively campaign on their behalf in the future.
  16. It was always implied that the Swindon lot knew Neil really well and probably classed him as a friend as well as a colleague. It’s part of the reason Brent resents him so much; the Swindon ones take a genuine interest in Neil, looking at his holiday photos etc, having a laugh and a dance probably wasn’t uncommon before the merger.
  17. Has anyone seen the deleted scenes? A lot of Gareth in there, and some of it is golden.
  18. One of those little blue pills you get?
  19. Aye something about Lewis McCann makes me think he’s going to do pretty well for himself, even though he hasn’t been a particular standout for us yet.
  20. I’m not passing the buck, this is someone else’s decision.
  21. Do you remember what the question was?
  22. Not at all, to some extent, very much so.
  23. If ‘don’t know’ wasn’t there, what would you put?
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