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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Probably about as ‘far fetched’ as I can be pushed for me to enjoy a programme but I did like it. It all got pretty confusing at times but it did make me a bit curious, even a bit suspicious, that shite like that does genuinely go on in some form or another.
  2. I thought very early on that she’d have some kind of business to do with children’s books. As far as I can remember she didn’t offer too much in the kids’ toy task so probably not. She’s actually kept her cards close to her chest in regards to what she does, unless I’ve missed it. I’ve got a feeling the beauty brand could be similar to last year’s winner (Sian’s) swimwear company; not really offering anything different but she’s just built a business which is performing very well and has potential despite not being anything ‘new.’
  3. She must be finding I’m a Celebrity very confusing this year.
  4. Crawford should be praised for the vast majority of signings he’s made this season. Players like Turner, Kiltie and Nisbet are all evidently excellent players for this level; they were all tipped to be going to clubs in a better position than ourselves and should be doing a lot better, they’re just not being used well. Regardless of budget and all that shite, this squad is seriously underperforming under Crawford, that’s almost solely his fault, and not the players’.
  5. We had absolutely no idea how to approach that game. We played about half an hour with 4 central midfielders and the 90s was played with nothing but punts up the field with no ambition of even getting through their back line, just a hope that they were shite and we would eventually score.
  6. Utter, utter shite. Not an iota of football played by us there.
  7. Probably worse than anything I saw in 2014/15
  8. Jesus f**k this pitch is an utter tattie field.
  9. Any macaroni pies on offer at Stair Park or should I be hunting for a baker?
  10. Beadling’s goal at Celtic Park obviously isn’t going to make the ‘best’ moment of the decade, but it really won’t be far off. Probably top 10 tbh.
  11. Lewis Stevenson seems like a really decent guy. I enjoyed that wee section a lot.
  12. I was encouraged by the fact that we created a lot against QotS and it sounded/looked like we just kept picking away and made plenty chances. I was waiting for the inevitable breakaway goal from Queens, but seeing us actually take the lead, and not only defend it but add to it shows we’ve made a bit of progress.
  13. Fowler can get fucked for picking Dunfermline as his banker.
  14. No doubt about it. It was just incredible watching her try to squirm out of that awkward situation, only to repeat exactly what she said in exactly the same manner. It was obvious what she was trying to say, Sugar was just being difficult.
  15. 1. Perfect for taking 10X of to a pal’s house. 2. Getting just a couple in the house for a relaxing Friday night of doing f**k all. 3. The ‘wouldn’t normally get it but they were on offer in Asda so f**k it’ bottle. 4. For wee guys only. For the watching. 5. Fine for chucking back a couple before moving on to spirits fairly early. 6. Cerry-oot.
  16. As much as Edwards is doing well so far, it'd have been interesting to see Jackson Longridge in this Pars team compared to the absolute dugmeat of last season.
  17. Lottie's face when Sugar let Thomas go back to the house was priceless. Wish Thomas did a Dale Carrick face to her as he left. I get that the PM has to take responsibility, to some extent, for losing a task, but sometimes it has virtually nothing to do with them and this was one of those instances. Also, repeatedly admitting that you intentionally don't get along with everyone in business is always a very clever thing to do IMO.
  18. I wouldn't consider Dean Shiels a 'flop' with us. The second half of his season was very poor, but for much of the first half of the season he was a very influential player for us.
  19. Paton is, by and large, doing just fine for us just now. Don't think any Pars fan is thinking he's a top 6 Premiership quality player, but he's doing a job for a mid-table Championship club, which is where we are just now. Also worth bearing in mind that the centre of midfield is probably the one area Crawford hasn't quite sussed out yet, but even now Paton is being used well and no real cause for concern, we have options if he or Turner is having an off day.
  20. A lot of Christmas music is fantastic tbf. So is getting pished at 10am.
  21. Declan McManus came with a decent reputation, didn't he? Did okay at the wee team and did well with Morton.
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