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Everything posted by smpar

  1. If you've been to EEP in the last few seasons, it's the same setup; buy your ticket from the wee hut in the corner between the Main Stand and the East Stand. Cash only.
  2. Cambuslang looks like it'd be a shite place to stay.
  3. Those kids definitely didn’t fucking say all that off the top of their heads.
  4. “A booming trend, which is something that is really booming.” Fucking tit.
  5. Probably mentioned already but colleagues who tell you far too much about their personal lives, unless you're genuinely friends with them as well of course.
  6. There’s a mini roundabout near me whereby the side which has priority is rather ambiguous. It makes for some excellent viewing, like a Mexican stand-off, but for two shitebags in Fiat Puntos.
  7. “Ye know whit they say aboot big feet?” “Big socks!” “Aye! Ha ha!” “Haha!”
  8. 24 years old 6’ 1” 10st 8lb (I was up to 12st 11lb last August, down to 10st 3lb by January) Size 10 feet Absolutely gutted for all you utter peasants who are under 6ft tall.
  9. As a mere observation, I had 15 minutes or so to kill just after getting off a train at Crosshill. I sat at Cathcart Road and it quickly dawned on me that I there were so many Asian (mostly Indian/Pakistani) people about. Must be the biggest Asian population in the country. I was also going to what (looked like) had been turned into an Asian Community Centre. Shawlands, King's Park and Strathbungo look like good recommendations. You're by no means guaranteed your ideal parking space in Shawlands but it's manageable.
  10. smpar


    Tennent's Coast to Coast Schiehallion Beavertown Gamma Ray Dead Pony Club
  11. Talking of Pars top scorers; mind Gozie Ugwu was nearly our top scorer in the 2014/15 season, despite leaving in January. I know it's a very similar story with Bruce Anderson from last season, but for some reason that doesn't seem so bad since he was actually half decent and felt like he made a difference, whereas Ugwu was utter shite.
  12. Many of our players would probably do the same. Doing well in League One is far from the criteria for a decent Championship player. I'd also take Kevin Nisbet and Andy Ryan over Kenny Miller just now. I'm already looking forward to people missing the point with this post, but Nisbet and Ryan are better long term options and fit our approach and 'ethos' more than Miller, whose playing career is dwindling and will be over very soon.
  13. Players can run themselves into the ground for 90 minutes all they want but if there is no game plan or they’re not being utilised well, their effort counts for about f**k all. You knew that though, didn’t you?
  14. Between Thomson, Turner, Beadling, Paton and Cochrane there’s a very promising midfield pair/three.
  15. Pars TV Tweeted a picture of a mystery person sitting in a Pars tracksuit with the caption “what’s going on at DAFC today?” Anyone got a clue? Someone mentioned Thomson is ready to return soon which would be a boost.
  16. People laughing at the mention of Jack Ross will look very silly in 2 weeks’ time.
  17. Being seconds away from fifth place (and still very close to a relegation spot) does not excuse the fact that the tactics have been lacking and the performances have not improved. The stats - for this season, last and the two combined - under Crawford make for grim reading and that can’t be ignored. Make changes to the management before we’re really in the shit. It’s not an attack on Crawford to say he’s out of his depth, he’s actually managed to build a decent squad for this league, he just isn’t getting the best out of them. That shows with the frustration/concern being directed towards Crawford and only a minor percentage of the blame going towards the players; they’re not being set up properly and it’s showing.
  18. Finances might be an issue here (as well as the board *actually* punting Crawford) but I have a strange 'gut feeling' about the above prediction.
  19. Jack Ross punted by Sunderland there. Emphatic return for himself and Potter with Shields staying as a coach.
  20. The boy’s inability to hold the microphone within a meter of the interviewee’s mouth is exceptional, and verging on mesmerising to watch. Aye, I really enjoyed it as well. I don’t know if this was a conscious effort but I don’t think they needed to shy away from saying it was a Celtic song/they’re Celtic fans. I’m sure most weeks’ artists say what team they support. Worth bearing in mind that it’s a great platform for a lot of lesser-known artists to get their music out there so hard to be negative about that aspect of it.
  21. Why are you so desperate for absolutely everything at the club to be going wrong?
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