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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Christ, so it is. Hammill was the only scouser I could think of that played for us* (and would be about that age). *looking forward to 5 smart c***s quoting this with other scouse ex-pars.
  2. Joel describing Dundee at “Chuckles University defending”
  3. Also known as "the one that doesn't want to work at Deep Sea World."
  4. An early Morton goal and things are getting hostile in Grangemouth.
  5. Do these people model themselves on contestants on The Apprentice or is it the other way around? I was on a 30 minute flight last week and the boy in front of me was doing his best to make it obvious he was carefully considering a few CVs; he was very close to loudly considering each applicant to make sure everyone knew he was a very important businessman. It was an ego trip of high proportions. I wish I’d found out his name as he definitely has a LinkedIn page, and I can guarantee if would be an absolute cracker.
  6. I watched it in my flat a couple of weeks ago and my flatmate, who generally couldn't give a flying f**k about football, messaged me a few days later to ask what that programme was because he wanted to watch it.
  7. Let's be honest here, whoever take the job for the next couple of seasons is just keeping the seat warm for Falky while he gets a wee bit of managing experience before returning to EEP as the gaffer.
  8. Agreed. Unless we make some genuinely exciting signings early on, the PR team are going to have some job on their hands in trying to punt STs.
  9. I know we've been repeating this for the vast majority of the season, but it's so frustrating to be light of the exact type of players we let go/couldn't keep in the last 10-12 months. Clark, Aird, Cardle and Morris would make a huge difference to this squad.
  10. It makes me uncomfortable enough when people use the wrong who's/whose, but "whos" takes the piss. I can never tell if people who use it actually think it's a word in its own right, or if they just got stuck making the who's/whose decision and went for a bit of both.
  11. There are several players in our squad who haven't been great for us but you worry they'll go to another team in the same league and be fucking amazing.
  12. A very small part of me wants to see Crawford assemble a decent squad in the summer and do well, but that's overshadowed by the fear that he'd do the complete opposite. He did well to (pretty much) ensure safety, but the reality of that is that we scrambled our way through 5 games out of the 13 games that he's had so far.
  13. Pubs in Ireland (north and south) absolutely kick the fucking hole out of Scottish pubs.
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