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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Craig Dargo represent. Embarrassing naysaying from the usual Johnny come latelies.
  2. Well that certainly came round quicker than I was expecting.
  3. There must still be a way for Aberdeen to ruin it for us somehow. I'm remaining vigilant.
  4. Pitch upgrade was already budgeted for champ. Atrocious effort - 2/10. Reassess.
  5. Dons fans supporting Sevco one weekend, Sellick the next. Devastating.
  6. Didn't see that coming tbh, hopefully he can stay injury/tonsillitis free and make the most of it. I'm just surprised his brother hasn't tweeted his congratulations, thought that was kinda his thing...
  7. Tommy Wright's a great manager. However, I'd be concerned that were he ever to leave McDiarmid Park it'd be like if the ravens left the Tower of London and the kingdom would fall.
  8. Jeezo, what eye-gouging season was this? I'd forgotten all about it. The worst I can place off the top of my head is in the first of our unholy trinity of seasons I don't understand how we survived (2010, 2015, 2016) where we scored 29 and finished 11th - drawing a blank in exactly half our matches.
  9. OF levels of dismissive self entitlement from the Dees here. Quite disappointing TBQHWY.
  10. Recently relegated journeyman fitbaw player vs The Internet This'll end well.
  11. Whole episode back-story for the horse. Or I fucking riot. Titles. Scene 1 - a kindly farmhand is helping to deliver a foal, both parents are grey horses but this one...white. "You'll do great things one day, I name you hope" Scene 2 - farmhand is eviscerated by rampaging c***s of no determinate origin. Scene 3 - Hope survives grazing on a hillside (10 minute montage) Scene 4 - Hope pursued by earlier farmhand, now a white walker... Honestly, this shit writes itself.
  12. Six times. Meant I was a match-winning physical presence at centre-forward, goose-stepping over the mangled bodies of my 9 year old opponents, before bellowing sexually menacing swearwords they didn't understand into their crumpled faces as a coup-de-gras. Ah, the beautiful game.
  13. Tom Black came to my primary school to give the football team an hour of his time once. I'm now two years older than he was then, and I don't honestly know how that's possible.
  14. McKenna always looks in a bit of a panic for me, and gives away an awful lot very cheaply. He's an absolute monster though, and I do think that Aberdeen can command a higher transfer fee than we can regardless of quality, because of a great financial backing. Genuinely, I'd be surprised if we were to get in excess of a million for anyone in the squad right now.
  15. I have known Gordon Sawers since I was 16, you, Sir, are no Gordon Sawers. Sometimes, an avatar and a post go together like magic
  16. Surprised you would quote me again after absolutely shiting the bed a couple of days ago. Were you that guy with the scarf at the end?
  17. What he says is actually pretty innocuous, and the only real possible reply to a direct question. Surprised you didn't pick up on that tbh.
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