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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Slagging the manager's pedigree. Check. Dog-whistle bigotry in the deliberate name misspell. Check. Dismissing Kilmarnock as a club worth staying at. Check. Covered all the bases quite adequately there Dele. Some very accessible material.
  2. Even in the context of ludicrous things said by football personalities, "I will give my LIFE for Leicester City FC" is pretty exceptional.
  3. That's genuinely the kind of thing I'd expect to see Bob Geldof patronising some c**t under in a fucking township somewhere. Get. Bin.
  4. "And just when you think you've seen everything in Scottish football, a match is abandoned due to fog. Can you believe it?" Ehhh...I can Jonathan aye. I can believe that.
  5. I think so. It really seems like Brendan Rodgers was waiting until Celtic were eliminated from Europe in the off chance they'd manage something against Valencia - too much of a conspiracy theory to suggest that Leicester made the decision to bullet Puel around the time Neil Lennon suddenly fell out with Hibs, and the following four weeks was some kind of agreed delay?
  6. That's not the benchmark, that's the high watermark. To confuse the two leads to disappointment while devaluing what has gone before.
  7. Brendan Rodgers is scouse surely. It's not a regional thing, it's a contagious thing.
  8. English top flight titles in the last 28 years; Leicester City 1 Liverpool 0
  9. I can, but I conded that probably depends on your definition of success, and the recency of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting Carlo Ancelotti is suddenly going to rock up at Parkhead - but despite his limitations, Brenda was a bigger name than I could imagine them attracting when he arrived in 2016. The other aspect that I think might play a part is that there will be a lot I'm sure at Parkhead who, despite the guy's lack of experience and success thus far, bitterly resent the fact that the biggest NAME in Scottish football currently resides in the manager's office at Ibrox. That's another reason I can't see them nicking the manager from "plucky Kilmarnock".
  10. I can't see Steve Clarke choosing to go to Celtic, and if I'm honest I can't see Celtic approaching him. He's never had a European tie as a manager, and while I think that's a style of football that would be absolutely perfect for him, I think Celtic will go for someone with a proven track record of success in European competition. The other option I can imagine them going for at Parkhead is David Wagner. A manager with inside knowledge of a top European club, but also with a proven track record of getting a club to punch above its weight - which is what's required at Celtic to get them out the rut they're in in Europe. Like above posters, I don't see anyone coming in at this stage in the season. Lenny to come in, lose in the cup at Hibs, win the league, be relentlessly touted by Radio Scotland for months before the locks on the dressing room are suddenly changed around mid June.
  11. Seems a bit off tbh, he's been doing a pretty decent job of late.
  12. To what extent would you guys say the credit is split between him and Martindale for the club's resurgence in the last couple of years? Or between Gary Holt and Martindale for the great league performance this season?
  13. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/47357362 Schadenfreude or sympathy?
  14. Ah, good point. Although I feel like a copy and paste job would be now a bit embarrassing. Could you start directing interested parties in here please?
  15. I'm finished with Off the Ball. For good. The disparity between the boys from The Terrace yesterday compared with Cowan's inane, under-researched, outdated, clichéd drivel was outrageous. I've felt it was on the wane for a couple of years, but I felt like a light was shone on it yesterday afternoon and it looked awful. Whether Cosgrove could do something with a different format I don't know, but Tam Cowan is now perhaps the worst thing on Radio Scotland. Feel pretty sorry about it, because it's formed a cornerstone of my Saturday routine for more than twenty years, but it's no longer worth listening to.
  16. Great result for Dundee this afternoon. Corner turned?
  17. So you think Rodgers has done well in Europe over the piece?
  18. I think you're probably being a bit nit-picky here. There's no way that Rodgers gets the criticism he deserves for Celtic's European travails, and while you're right in saying it's a poorly constructed sentence - to focus on the semantics rather than the observation probably proves this point.
  19. What part do you disagree with? AFAIK Rodgers' has presided over Celtic's biggest home defeat, and biggest away in the clubs European history - his record is appalling. These matches are where a Celtic manager should be judged, and for me he's consistently come up short.
  20. Postman, postman, please don't tarry Take this to the Compliance Officer I'll marry ..... Aw f**k, I can see she binned it. Valentine's Day card rescinded
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