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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Obviously a bright lad, you must be very proud of him.
  2. Might resonate slightly more if you didn't have the absolute gammon-king as your avatar m90.
  3. Were you pursuing a libel case on his behalf surrounding the wanton vandalism of a windmill?
  4. James McFadden is continuing his facial journey towards early 90s IRA photofit.
  5. How do you know this? I asked the same question to someone on kickback and got a predictably mute response.
  6. Pat's been spending the last couple of weeks coming up with his official mispronounciation of Timothy Weah's surname. One would have thought that he might have learnt how to say it properly given the fact that the young boy's father was World Player of the Year during the bold Pat'sactual fucking playing career - but alas no, we're going with "Way". One can only presume he's been hired to provide the "balance" demanded by the stroppy Celtic morons on here. His qualifications other than a club alliegance are zero.
  7. Send them Aaron Comrie. On a side note, the good thing is that, as Aberdeen is closer to the coast than Kilmarnock, it's more likely to be catastrophically flooded as sea levels rise and the planet lurches towards extinction. Then who'll be laughing Greg eh? That's right. Me. You c**t.
  8. What a fucking pile of shit. Worst window since the one that JFK wisnae shot through. Hope it works out as well for Greg at Pittodrie as it did last time.
  9. ^^ People who believe this. See also, people who would tell a depressed person to "pull yourself together".
  10. Why is it that fridge capacity has so long been a flashpoint in so many marriages?
  11. The juggernaut turned up at Parkhead and was turned into spare parts. Probably didn't enjoy playing on a decent pitch. Are you Charlie Nicholas? This is horror chat.
  12. Sitting listening to an Alan Green commentary for the first time in a long time - after about twenty secondsmy various gripes with Sportsound have completely disappeared and been replaced by adminiration. What a fucking w****r that guy is. Absolutely atrocious.
  13. Eh, whit? This doesn't really seem to fit the general tone of John Beatties show as I remember it...
  14. Who knows, but wherever he is he'll be mentally reliving his goal against Celtic.
  15. Second loan spell in a row that this has happened. Release please.
  16. Tell you who's dead to me? Kristoffer Ajer. I just want to forget he was ever near us - absolute c**t.
  17. He's not, but only really because Greg Taylor is always first pick. We're short on cover so I'm not sure if I could see that happening either. Say that again and I'll burn your fucking house down.
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