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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. I always think that Psoriasis would be a great codename for some shadowy, supra-national group of 12.....no 10.....no 12 individuals who exert control on the world's financial markets. Either that or an Egyptian God.
  2. I bet they were delighted. No more Christmas dinner for one for David McColl.
  3. Giant low-hanging baws to be used as a roundabout?
  4. He's always spoken very warmly about his time with us certainly. I think now the dust is beginning to settle on his time as Rangers boss people are beginning to remember how much they liked him.
  5. Mexico and Peru battered them in a way that neither managed against us, they've had two draws against Qatar recently as well. Part of me probably thinks it's the same kind of lazy assumption I make about Hamilton Accies though - like it can't possibly last. Maybe I'll be as wrong this time as that.
  6. This. Their time's by, relative minnows again within five years.
  7. Everyone on the way into Hampden queues up and volleys Willie Miller in the baws.
  8. I usually agree with you, but this is utter bullshit. Because Willie Miller had a great playing career he's entitled to pollute the airwaves with his uninformed clichéd pish? Aye, nae bother mate.
  9. Not sure why this is presented as a dichotomy, but in any case Kris Boyd is absolutely correct in both cases.
  10. It's a real fear of mine to end up in one of these situations. I live with my partner and our son in a semi-detached ex council house, moved in about 4 months ago. Our neighbours are great, the couple have been in place for years and have a daughter at uni, and a disabled son who both live with them - but you can hear quite a lot from next door, and while I don't mind it just now because they're a quiet bunch, I hate to think what it would be like if they were to move on and somebody noisier was to move in.
  11. Well that certainly came around quicker than I'd expected.
  12. There have been some players who were so obviously above our natural level, that you just want to enjoy them playing foryour team. Mulumbu was one, Naismith was one near the end of his time, Boyd too first time round. But Eremenko, for me, was slightly different. As much as I still love the guy, I remember at times feeling almost a sense of frustration in 10/11 that he was ever near us in the first place. A guy who could have played in any league in the world and caught the eye....spent one of his peak years at Kilmarnock. He was utterly utterly exceptional, and made the extraordinary seem totally routine. And it still fucking depresses me that he was beaten to PotY by Emilio Izaguirre.
  13. McDonald doing the pitch side team announcement has to stop, he sounds like a fucking secondary school kid who's won a competition.
  14. Michael Stewart has jumped the shark. I've been thinking it for a while, but his "angry shouty wee ginger guy" schtick is just unlistenable. First we had a "debate" on Sunday night that descended into him shouting down Thommo on Sportscene, then we were treated to the same shit with MacDonald the following night on the radio. If he can't control his emotions, then he quite simply shouldn't be doing the job he's doing. Even the idea that he attempted to embark on a political career is just ludicrous.
  15. I was at secondary school with Craig, and as a resultit used to make me cringe to hear the level of stick he got. Having said that he wasn't great for us second time round - particularly towards the end of his time - althoughdefinitely shouldered a disproportionate level of blame for a shite defence. At St Mirren it was very obviously always a different story, and he's looked well in anything I've seen of the buddies this season. I'm surprised he's opted to move into coaching so young given his injury record, but Sunderland must be paying well. Hope he does well, as regardless of what some might say he's got a playing career he can be very proud of.
  16. This philosophy isn't working for Clander Zark, St Johnstone netminder.
  17. I've had second thoughts, I might be thinking of "commemoration".
  18. Now you mention it, "armistice celebration" I think is quite widely used nowadays.
  19. Certainly piling the pressure on a result today. What could go wrong?
  20. Welcome to the meh derby mate. It's pathological. They hate everything we stand for.
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