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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Seeing the highlights again last night I'm less sure about our penalty claims. Definite tug on Brophy, although arguably not quite enough. I can't decide whether the foul on Jones is inside or outside the box - should have been awarded either way, then there's a discussion about what colour it is. Also, a bit of absolution for Broadfoot and Kusunga. Two extremely difficult balls to deal with, both guaranteed goals if left - although perhaps Bachmann might have dealt with the former? In better weather I think that both Brophy and Stewart score their one on ones, and we can't lose anyone in the box like we did with Miller early on. All in all reasonably positive. Three points, and on to Accies.
  2. I never said that I didn't care about laughing at your shitey team, just that I didn't care ENOUGH to get into some weird quasi-social interaction with you. Sorry, I really thought I'd made that quite clear. Not biting, just want to see your team relegated without having to stake a tenner for cats with ptsd on it. Is that OK, or are you going to keep being awkward?
  3. Or speaking to a Dundee fan about anything that's happened since JFK was assassinated? With ye.
  4. Dees comparing being top after an opening day pumping with being consistently about the best team in Scotland for an entire calendar year. A new lowlight.
  5. This is already the 4th morning this month we've woken up top of the league. Please stop embarrassing yourself by making simple factual errors.
  6. Wait, we might get them in the cup. You know what a great record they've got in that competition... #1910
  7. I don't think this makes the sense you think it does.
  8. I really don't care that much, but thanks for making it weird...
  9. Take it you weren't there today? Dundee in the second half were easily the worst team I've seen this season. You will not stay up if you continue to defend like that.
  10. And perfectly demonstrating how you get f**k all for staying on your feet. Probably get an apology from that c**t Kerr I'm sure.
  11. Second half performance from Dundee was a complete embarrassment. Could have been 6-0 and there wouldn't have been many complaints. Really disapponted in our finishing today. Fair play to the teuchters who came down to watch that shite.
  12. Have we not #juggernauted these fuckers yet? Just want to get the W out of the way and get back to the top of the MUTHAFUCKIN' LEEEEEEEEEEEEEAGUE BITCHEZ!1!!!
  13. A grim return to form for LJ here. All her stuff is about loss, and time moving on without her - bit of a shame really.
  14. That's one way to look at it, the other is that we - as football supporters - do little better than bogart in on other peoples' tragedy. You know the kind of people I'm talking about, "I'm a *insert team* supporter here, but really hope that Leigh Griffiths conquers his personal demons". Well, maybe you do pal - but in all honesty, there'll be a lot out there who don't really give a f**k - but like the sound of themselves saying these kind of things. And in any case, there's a need to boil everything down to our tribal rivalries that negates that kind of humanity in the first instance. It's a trend that one can observe more often when someone dies, or is diagnosed with some terrible disease that it "really puts football into perspective" - as was once memorably put on here, a perspective that is immediately lost as soon as your team is denied a throw in. I don't mean to demean the struggles of anyone who's going through a rough patch, but I'd feel a lot better about it if we didn't belong to a body, as football supporters, who feel the divine right to say the most horrific of things to one another on a weekly basis - it would make all the faux compassion seem a bit more vrai. As has been said previously, this story has - perplexingly - proven a jumping off point for finger pointing on the subject of an unsatisfactory level of assumed shame for historic child abuse cases. We had a discussion a few weeks ago where the main point was to try and stop people from going out of their way to abuse injured soldiers. It annoys me that Leigh Griffiths gambling problem will probably now become a sacred cow, and in a few hours time we'll all just go back to being absolute c***s to one another.
  15. It'll be nice to see Kilmarnock win on Saturday, but what I'm looking forward to seeing most is Kevin Clancy refereeing at Rugby Park again. I know how much it always means to him.
  16. Sent Neil Lennon to the stand last season for very little. No' bad.
  17. Well that certainly explains Bobby Gillespie's performance at the V&A opening.
  18. The killie players had their Xmas day out yesterday. Ideal timing, no sitting around moping about the Celtic game. Just put it behind us, have a decent laugh and a rest. And then do to Dundee what we did to Hibs.
  19. "Here, I'm the least of your worries!" Absolutely brilliant, Kyle is a legend - great player for Killie as well.
  20. Not sure if any of you guys are yet to see it yet, but I just watched Ryan McGowan's interview with Si Ferry on youtube and it's absolutely hilarious. That's all
  21. Well I'll be honest Kincardine. This, I was not expecting... That's amazing, when does he hear?
  22. I'd go more with this list. I actually quite like Ferguson and Dodds. Houston I don't really have an opinion on. The rest of the original list is confronting though, what an appalling amount of shite. The worst thing is that I'll definitely keep listening. It's a daily hour of Scottish Football coverage, and sadly it'll have to get a lot worse before I vote with my.....feet?.....ears?.....not an easy analogy to complete.
  23. The lowlight for me was at a Kilmarnock corner in the second half. Stewart overhits it, several players run near post. "Every Kilmarnock player runs near post there, that's how they got their goal on Wednesday night. I think it was........... (unbelievable amount of time passes).......Broadfoot or something that scored it.....Anyway it doesn't really matter." Also a really weird moment before the game where he completely broke character, threw off any semblance of impartial reporter, and starts talking about how much he's been delighted to see Callum McGregor's recent form.
  24. Pat Bonner with another trademark performance this afternoon commentating on Celtic vs Celtic's Opponents. It's absolutely outrageous.
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