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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. Went to see Apollo 18 last night, it was pretty reasonable. Nice to have a horror movie that didn't depend solely on unexpected loud noises to create a reaction to it, I always feel that is akin to paying someone £8 to follow you around with two cymbals for a couple of hours. There was however a couple of walkouts, and the cinema was about half full on its first Orange Wednesday. I think the Glasgow film public might have been looking for something more like John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars. Very slow, very creepy. Probably best described as (The Thing + The Blair Witch Project = Apollo 18). 7/10
  2. See, now that's the kind of thing that would have you deleted from mine.
  3. There's a girl on my facebook that I used to go to school with. She's made (and I've just counted) 26 status updates since August 29th. Aggregate total, 4 likes 0 comments. Take the hint FFS.
  4. One of my apparent friends has added scan pictures of his soon-to-be offspring on facebook. This child isn't even fucking born, and already its little more than a set piece in his ever increasing mania to have every minute detail of his life to be publicly broadcasted on the internet. You fucked an ugly girl mate, do things in the traditional way and leave the country overnight.
  5. Estragon

    Sons of Anarchy

    You should have a look at a Mexican movie called Cronos, if you haven't seen it already. He overacts to a hilarious extent, you might enjoy it.
  6. Estragon

    Sons of Anarchy

    Surprised at the love for this series tbh. On the recommendation of a friend I bought series one on dvd and got about three quarters of the way through before giving up. I found it very difficult to engage with any of the characters on a human level - there didn't appear to be much behind the hardnut posturing except the occasional moment of sensetive posturing. Its a shame, because I loved the pretext - but it seemed to me a very poor script. Also Hellboy is unwatchably ugly.
  7. Today, me and the old duchess watched... Wuthering Heights (9/10) - an aptly menacing portrayal of the greatest book ever written by a woman. Well cast, beautifully soundtracked and definitely capturing the darkness and torment that sets the novel apart from its saccharine competitors. A wonderful depiction of the tragedy of Heathcliffe, if a little too forgiving of him in the end. It also transcribes one of the best short lines I've ever read "I cannot live without my life,". Fucking brilliant. Se7en (6/10) - beginning to date ever so slightly, still most definitely worth a watch - although I felt it had lost something in the years since I last saw it. Perhaps in the interim the religiously driven serial killer has become too much of fodder for the two-part-tv-writers. A little hackneyed in review.
  8. Just watched "Signs" on BBC2. Had never seen it before, and I'm not massively impressed. Shyamalan has begun to focus so much on trying to produce a sense of suspenseful dread being brought about of nothing ostensibly happening - to the point that he has now made a string of films in which nothing ostensibly happens. This was another. Realised a little to late, the last 5 or 10 minutes uncomfortably ratchets up the confrontation to be completely out of character with respect to the entirety of the preceding film. What started off as quite a promising, offbeat alien movie ended up with a white American man beating up a malevolent extra-terrestial invader with a baseball bat. Pretty shite, and very dated despite it being released only a little over 5 years ago. 4/10
  9. That's a fucking laugh!! Ron, you are without doubt the most offensively vitriolic poster on these boards. The way you carry on about religion and Scottish nationalism to name but two of the issues that you've condescended to give us the benefit of your most definitive of opinions is depressing, and for you to come on here to accuse someone else of sanctimony is nothing short of embarrassing.
  10. I don't post on this thread very often, but felt moved to today after finishing "Mao - The Unseen Story". In the early 90s a woman named Jung Chang wrote Wild Swans, chronicling the lives of her grandmother as a concubine to one of China's pre-unification regional warlords; her mother, as a wife of a medium level official in the Chinese Communist Party; and herself as a woman who lived through the cultural revolution and defected in the the 1970s. It was fucking storming, and ever since she and a Harvard professor have been meticulously researching the life, work, and conspiratorial machinations of Chairman Mao - this is the result. To say this book is amazing is to do it a disservice, it is fucking life-changing. This is from the perspective of someone who rarely reads books of military history, it transcends that genre to become a history of a people's plight told through a biography of the man who orchestrated it. Don't be intimidated by the magnitude of this book, its a hefty old tome as one would expect - but if you only ever read one more book, it has to be this one. Astonishing, heart-breaking, upsetting, dramatic - this book will sear images on your brain for the rest of your life.
  11. Try "East of Eden", if you haven't read it already. I've read quite a bit of Steinbeck, and consider this truly brilliant.
  12. I understand - however, I would argue that "the line" comes a substantial way before shooting a man in the back from 20 yards.
  13. I think any chance of this thread being awash with messages of genuine concern was destroyed on page one. I think the most relevant issue on this thread now, is to what extent spectators have the right to wax lyrical on the actions of others. hardly
  14. tbh - I don't really know either of you. It just appears, on the basis of this thread at least, that you go out of your way to offend her.
  15. Not particularly - I'd rather you just showed a little more decorum.
  16. Steven, what is your problem man? I don't understand why you have to be so openly belligerent about Sam.
  17. It was a dreadful mistake by the parents - one that I'm sure they'll be cursing right now. I desperately hope this wee girl is found alive and well, and I am utterly appalled at the attitudes of some of the posters on here.
  18. I read a book of Carl Hiaasen when I was about 16 - about a black girl who wins the lottery and is pursued by a pair of hapless white-supremists, it was quite enjoyable. Cant remember the title.
  19. I watched a great film called Talk Radio on ITV2 last night. A tremendous thriller about a loudmouthed, Jewish radio phone-in host who incurs the wrath of local neo-nazis. Some fantastic scenes in this film, given the fact I'd never heard of it I was shocked by how good it was. A totally unexpected 8/10
  20. I think you're thinking of "Stars in Their Pies" - the point where celebrites and fem-dom lesbianism meet....
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