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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. We definitely need cover. But who could we get? Available? Yes. Left back? Arguable. Hero? Without a doubt.
  2. I first saw him in that TV show from a few years back "Identity". I mind watching it with my dad and we were saying that was a shocking Irish accent, before googling him to discover he was genuinely Irish!
  3. I first saw him in that TV show from a few years back "Identity". I mind watching it with my dad and we were saying that was a shocking Irish accent, before googling him to discover he was genuinely Irish!
  4. So buzzing for Littlefinger to return to mumble incoherently in a dreadful Irish accent. Which in itself is a feat considering Aiden Gillan is actually Irish.
  5. Thought: during Balon's funeral the put him in a boat and shove it out to sea. Surely the tide would just float that thing back in later on?
  6. Great episode. Jon Snow returning wasn't exactly a shock. We all knew it would happen. I assume the High Sparrow and The Faith will get done in this season as I don't think there's much the can do with that in the storyline. Maybe the mountain will go on a rampage.
  7. Can Bronn be invited as well? "There's no cure for being a c**t."
  8. You'd assume it would go back to the rebellion to begin and end with the execution of the mad king. Was watching seasons 2 & 3 again with the girlfriend who hadn't watched it before. Reminded me just how much of a b*****d (in several ways) Joffrey is. And also how spicy Ros was.
  9. Totally stupid, over the top nonsense gameplay. But it is absolutely superb. Highlights being the pixelator which turns your enemies in to 8-bit versions of themselves and watching the game repeatedly take the piss out of itself. Would 100% recommend it to anyone.
  10. Ratchet & Clank on PS4. I played the original games non stop when I was younger. The remakes are just fantastic fun as well.
  11. Don't think I've ever been this buzzing for a TV show to come back.
  12. I am buzzing my tits off for this returning. I came to the party late so I tanned 5 seasons in a month. It is a masterpiece in television. Never a dull moment.
  13. Pipe guns are fucking useless, but I collect as much ammo as possible for them. I've ended up paying 4000 odd caps for legendary armour/weapons and covered the cost entirely in that shitty .38 ammo. It's so common, and it's 1:1 in caps.
  14. That fucking family in the Tesco adverts. Untold amounts of absolute seethe from me.
  15. Stealth is the only way I have ever been successful. As soon as you try a run & gun approach you just get pumped.
  16. I don't think the film is as bad as you make out. However you have absolutely nailed the reason why I hated Lex Luthor.
  17. I was right up for this game. But since I've read it's in installments:
  18. Can we get a DLC where I can tell Preston Garvey to shut the f**k up about settlements needing my help?
  19. It was the fud of an NPC that done me in. When I restarted I just put a load of frag mines at the gap in the wall where it comes through. That took a fair chunk of health then I just kept my distance with a missile launcher from inside the castle walls.
  20. I had a total nightmare when trying to kill the mirelurk queen at the castle. Went to launch a mini nuke at the bitch and one of the Minutemen stormed in front of me and took it square in the coupon killing us both.
  21. Exactly what I thought. But nope. Pan breid. And not even the kind of questionable dirty-den-in-the-canal death he could come back from. Just deid.
  22. Watched the end of series 5 again on my horrendous commute this morning. Still tragic, but they're trying too hard to convince us he's deid now.
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