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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. Decent result for Froome today. Doesn't have the burst of acceleration to contest the final uphill sprint, but he piled some time into Bertie. Should be fairly tight over the next few days.
  2. I was watching a bit of Alan Partridge the other night, I'm always infinitely tickled by this: “That was Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell, a song in which Joni complains they ‘Paved paradise to put up a parking lot’, a measure which actually would have alleviated traffic congestion on the outskirts of paradise, something which Joni singularly fails to point out, perhaps because it doesn’t quite fit in with her blinkered view of the world. Nevertheless, nice song.”
  3. Recently started cycling because running just ends up with me in pain. While me and my dad have been sorting out the Claud Butler I've been using his good bike. Which is a made-to-measure Terry Dolan number (thankfully we're the same height.) I experienced my first wind-ruined ride earlier today. I done 11 miles the other day and felt absolutely fine. Today I was fucked after 5 miles straight into a headwind. I have impressed myself by going 45 mph downhill. Overall, it's a pleasant way of keeping fit.
  4. The dad sat nav sketch tickled me a ridiculous amount.
  5. It's not really cheating though. It's not the equivalent of diving in the box to win a penalty. You are allowed to do it. I think it's more frowned-upon than illegal.
  6. Recycled, but appropriate: The seethe festival that surrounds Bradley Wiggins, Team Sky & Team GB on this thread is fucking hilarious to read.
  7. I don't think he told Hindes to cheat. Hindes did bend the rules a bit. But Brailsfords list of titles his athletes have won is ridiculous.
  8. Surely there has to be the question of a knighthood for Dave Brailsford. He seems to have taken Team Sky and Team GB and trained them to go out and rip the world to shreds.
  9. I'm slightly late to the Olympics breakdown. But my one lasting feeling is that in about 10 years of watching professional cycling, that is the worst coverage I have ever seen. No time split, taking a guess at who the riders were... I think school children could have made a better job.
  10. My memory of Thomas Voeckler will always be hanging on to the yellow jersey twice at the Plateau de Beille. Thomas Voeckler is my hero.
  11. They will. Wiggins, Froome and Cavendish all on the podium wearing Sky jerseys is a sponsor's wet dream. I reckon it'll be the full Sky team on the lead out. I hope Cav does it again.
  12. Aye, just watched it there. I think Sky's objectives now will be to see Wiggins through unscathed & set Cavendish up for another victory on the Champs-Elysees.
  13. Surely that's Wiggins got it in the bag, no?
  14. Nah, that was a couple of days ago.
  15. Cadel Evans appears to be pedalling backwards here. Also, I like Wiggins & Team Sky. Haters gonna hate.
  16. I've only been in one nightclub photo recently, and it wasn't horrific. I am still living in fear of the inevitable day when my coupon appears on this thread.
  17. Clocked this on Facebook a while ago. Oh dear. Oh dear, indeed.
  18. That's a calculation up there with my sister's peach of the other day: "She's going 13th-20th June." "So she's only going for 5 days?"
  19. Cav posted a photo of his road rash from his fall the other day on Twitter. Oohyafucker.
  20. I wouldn't say rotten. But after a number of cheap alcoholic beverages, and around 2 am I'd probably go there.
  21. If I was this good, I'd bore the tits off everyone I ever met.
  22. It looks like someone has melted it over the back of a spoon.
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