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well fan for life

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Posts posted by well fan for life

  1. Watched Sportscene last night for a look at this bottle job. My thoughts:

    • How the hell was that not a penalty in the first half? It's a big daft trip. Crichton saying something along the lines of "I agree that it's not a penalty but if it had been given I'd have agreed that it is a penalty". I mean across the board I'd say the entire ex-pro pundits on Sportscene/Sportsound are stealing a wage. 
    • How the hell was that a penalty? Samuel's got his elbow in Graham's face which I'd say should be a foul the other way. 
    • Thistle's bottle crashed in a spectacular manner after that. Just completely fell to bits. 
    • Howling at Bannigan claiming for an offside before the third goal when he is playing every single person onside by about 5 yards. 

    VAR is still a complete nonsense. Neither the VAR or the referee seem to want to take responsibility so they stand for 5 minutes having a chat about it before going over to the screen anyway. At which point it's a complete lottery as to what's given. 

    I seen earlier in the thread someone saying it would be interesting to hear from the referee why they have come to their decision. I'm not really a fan of either sport but I do like that in NFL & Rugby the referees are mic'd up so they can explain what they have seen and why they have given what they have given. 

  2. 25 minutes ago, KirkySuperSub said:

    That statement would have been quite something, would certainly set a new precedent in terms of squad announcements... 

    "Josh Morris - Released.........for being unbelievably pish, stinking out training every day and for being a massive grade A arsehole."

    Tbf at least we seemed to be able to locate him. Meanwhile Dundee Football Club are being left on read by McGowan. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Casagolda said:

    According to the recently updated website, his new deal runs to May 24. So it seems a bit more than just a Tanner/Dunne style short term extension. 

    I reckon he's probably not on that big a contract so giving him a year isn't a totally mental thing. Best case scenario that weird purple patch turns out to have shown there's a player that can add something to our squad. Worst case he gets binned this time next year or someone takes us off our hands in January. I mean we done it for Sol.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

    Also, I reckon the list is just to let us know that Morris is gone.

    They built up to it though. I respect them for building the tension.

    We've had some mental dealings in contracts in the last few years. Would be good if we could mutual a few of the diddies. Shields has proven for both us and QP that he's not good enough and I don't even need to get in to any detail about Maguire.

    As for the list of folk who could get a new contract Johnston's probably already away so you'd want to keep Casey, Goss and Deano. Get the rest hunted.

  5. Every single person completely fumbled it other than Tom in the end. He might be a human snake pit but he's outsmarted every single one of the Roys. 

    What a bloody ending. 

  6. 1 hour ago, 54_and_counting said:

    Dont compare it with ep 3, absolutely nothing of ep 3 bar yodas fight with palps is rewatchable, 

    Even windu vs palps is a shambles of a fight lol

    My man I am in for a penny in for a pound at this point. Is it going to be terrible? Almost certainly. Will I at least be able to point and laugh? Absolutely.

  7. Episode 2 notes:

    • Some truly, truly awful CGI on display here. 
    • The clone battle is pretty good.
    • Yoda's absolutely at it with that cane. Drops it to fight Dooku in the most acrobatic fashion then immediately starts limping again as soon as he's done. It's like that episode of Still Game when Winston's trying to avoid the DSS. 
    • Always weirded me out that Boba picks up the helmet which, presumably, still has his da's severed head in it. 

    Not as good as episode 1, will compare with episode 3 in due course. 

  8. Aye yesterday was a horrible throwback to a lot of our issues in the first half of the season. Having to rely on any of Lamie/Mugabi/Johansen for the entire season and we'd have been relegated months ago. Mugabi seems to create panic in everyone around him, and I think Blaney could be a decent option but he's looked way more composed when he's got Butcher organising everything. 


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